New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

His answer means nothing to me. He’s allowed to disagree, I’m fine with it. I disagree with lots of people all the time. It’s just the way he goes about it with the constant trolling.


i’m thrilled we’re getting new options. i have also suggested neon hair colors, gnome hair colors instead of belf hair colors… i mean who wouldnt want a thalassian elf with pink hair, a nice dark tan and lavender eyes… /grins toothily. i’m sure the devs would be interested in ways to make velfs look different from belfs without having to give us whole new models, something we requested to begin with. haha

I see nothing unreasonable about proliferating the skin colors. Alliance High Elf NPC’s already have them. Blizzard’s stated goal at Blizzcon is for players to have more freedom in making their characters look the way they want them to look.

These are Ion’s words:

The idea here is to give more options than ever before, so that you can actually look and feel like you want to feel, and different from the others around you who play the exact same race.

This inevitably lead to overlap in some areas. And if Blizzard wanted to appease those asking for Alliance High Elves, as it seems they do, this was the avenue that they went for.


You can make whatever conclusions you want but that doesn’t make them correct.

Interesting idea, so they make it so you can be similar to people who play a different race from the other faction.

Luckily in my case it does.

The vast majority of people used Void Elves as a generic cheap replacement for High Elves, while they used mogs, add-ons, and even mods to get closer as possible to what they really wanted to be.

Sometimes, I wonder, what the antis will do when Shadowlands pre-patch hits the live servers and every pro leaves the forums to play the game?! These players claim they like how the game currently is, but for the past two years, I’ve seen them spending more time here in these forums than myself in every single raid of Battle for Azeroth.

I mean, Blood Elves remained unique for the last 13 years since their introduction while High Elves remained as Alliance unplayable-NPC’s in the game for the past 15, so maybe the antis should’ve enjoyed this time playing the game and enjoying their privileged status?

Just my two cents, though.


and Yet it’s the blood elves who are taken from since you share the identical model. How convenient and easy for the small indie company who as Hyperspace pointed should have made a new model but hey had to save money to pay the CEO 100 million bonus this year.

You know that whole small indie fire all the staff thing cause were making too much money.

You are entitled to your opinion!

That’s the problem. BFA is a bad reason to play in general.

See? We can agree on stuff. Let’s drink a toast.

It’s an unavoidable consequence. If the options exist to look different, they also exist to look the same or similar. The only way to diffuse that is to add so many options that its unlikely to see anyone that looks exactly like you.


we begged them to give us a different model with high elf features. but alas, they did not.

Sounds good after my day at work.

You do not see the issue or are just blind to it. Either way the damage is done and people are not happy on either side of the fence but hey as long as the Alliance gets what they want it’s still horde bias.

This statement is non-functional because claiminghigh elves are already on the alliance is the same as claiming jinyu or goblins were on the alliance.
Neither are playaable, and the latter only ever worked with the alliance occasionally

. It is disingenuous argument to utilize.

I’ll address this in two parts.

  1. The response was absolutely necessary. When inappropriate comments/comparisons are made, they should absolutely be called out and addressed. Stating that my doing so is triggerlike and aggressive is only attempting to frame it under a negative connotation to reduce and dismiss the concerns that were put forth.
    Particularly since I wasn’t the first to address it despite it being addressed to me.

  2. I did address his point. He ignored me, and you missed where I did address his argument and demonstrated 1. He misinterpreted my statement 2. He misinformed everyone with his misinterpretation.

I dont see you or anyone else calling him out on it though

inappropriate comparisons should immediately be responded to and done so strongly. Treating it otherwise does not treat it with the seriousness it should. Now I know you will disagree and that is fine, but it is incorrect to suggest someone speaking to you assertively is triggered or being aggressive.

This is shifting the blame to the victim under the notion that “everyone else is doing it, this means that person they are ignoring is wrong.”. Not only is it incorrect in terms of a logical argument for supporting the behavior, it is also not an accurate measurement as many things are/were popular but were wrong objectively. So in this aspect, I cannot agree either.


Hey don’t blame me if Blizzard chose the easiest, least expensive way, to appease those asking for playable Alliance High Elves. I’m not the one who made the call.

At the same time, Blood Elves have not lost any of their options. If you want more options though, I’ll happily support your request for them.

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I know you all did I was here watching. But the company did the easy way out and no one won.

The big problem is that the mechagnome is equating his personal opinions and taste with objective scientific fact and then using that as an excuse to slander opposing opinions and tastes as harmful denial of facts when it is instead merely a difference of opinion.


Lol if you thought void elves were a fair compromise you were never a high elf fan, don’t delude yourself.


This is why the forums are a dumpster fire of liberal dogma and reaction.

If you disagree with me I must destroy you BAMN and we all know what that abbreviation stands for. I have yet to see any honest discussion happen without slander and calling people racists or any other thing. this is why I find most Alliance players so intolerant and yet these same people will never play the Horde side cause it’s too icky and nasty.