New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

You can’t I already had dinner and cookies and cream ice cream with chocolate fudge topping!

We don’t have a major melt down 24/7/365 like you all have on the alliance. every week it is some sort of Horde bias something.

If you’re saying I, or any other pro-helfer should care about the feelings of people who’ve badgered us, berated us, and fought against us tooth and nail, even when we bent over backwards trying to get Blizz to give us a new model, and new options, so as not to copy much of anything from Blood Elves at all, and now they are crying about not being a unique snowflake… yea that’s going to be a hard sell.

I am not without empathy. I get that some feel that Void Elves are getting more attention than they should right now. I also get that some feel dissatisfied with the new customizations Blood Elves are getting vs. what they are sharing with Void Elves. It’s why I am a proponent of:

  1. Darkfallen aesthetics as Blood Elf exclusive customization options so they can RP as San’layn and Dark Rangers - a popular request by players in fact.
  2. Sharing non-tentacled Void Elf hairstyles with Blood Elves - I know there’s several that I’d like for my Blood Elf characters

I’m fine with people asking for more Blood Elf options. I am not fine with people telling me that I can’t ask for things I want, or that shouldn’t get what Blizzard is giving me.


Drat. I’m a terrible thread mom.

The hilarious part is seeing them fight so adamantly against High Elves for what turns out to actually happen be 100x worse than what could of happened.

It was a comparison to misinformation with anti-vaxx and flat earth given as an example of people that do this. So, if you can’t comprehend it that is ok. If you want to be offended that is ok.

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I’m the one who doesn’t see horde bias. Sooooo… nice try?

I vote we drop the comparison thing and not use such things from here on out, from either side.

It’s just elves in a game.

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That’s comparing someone to Anti-Vaxxers and Flat Earthers. Thanks for proving my point.


Wrong, it is comparing the misinformation, but you don’t comprehend it.

Void Elves are the only race silhouette on another faction copied from a core race from the other faction. This is already unreasonable as a recolor. Our skin tones too? Okie dokie, that’s just grand. So yes, you must take precedence over the wants of others in order to advocate for this.

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Not Wrong.

You said these ppl spread misinformation and that the person in question is being compared to them because of said misinformation, therefor we can conclude they are being compared to Anti-Vaxxers and Flat Earthers.

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the funny thing was i use to support High elves till this turned into a whine festival of the highest caliber. Everyone called it the first day it was announce that people would NOT be happy and I thought it was a fair compromise. Obviously it wasn’t for the handful who still kick and scream like a angry toddler being told NO.

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It’ll probably slow down when amazon’s new lord of the rings mmo comes out.

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I just want hair colors and the option to turn off EE. Some additional class options would be nice too but I’m not holding my breath on that.

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Except high elves are already alliance. I can say people shouldn’t eat strawberries cause it’s bad, but in the end I’d just be trying to screw over people who like strawberries.
That is what you’ve been doing but with high elves…and now with void elves.

Yes but your response was triggered-like and aggressive. You didn’t focus at all on the actual point (of you being illogical) and rather that he used that as a comparison, to which it continued slogging on.

I don’t think anti-vaxxers are an appropriate comparison either, but that type of response is really unnecessary.

Ignore…bullying…? If people are ignoring you just move along. If you get 5-6 people to ignore you, clearly you’re not doing something right. It has nothing to do with them disrespeccing you.


I just want my night elf female fixed
next time your on look at your character with no shoulders on your one shoulder is higher then the other… not to mention we need smaller hands and better feet and a much better muscle tone.


He doesn’t understand this.


I support this! I am dying to see the nelf options.

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Maybe your both triggered by his answer, since it is not fitting your preconceived notions and views.

Pretty much, void elves are literally blood elves that joined the alliance in BfA. I feel like now were left with people who still want to play high elves, and people who are now mad because the alliance (void) blood elves are now basically the same as horde blood elves.