New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Oh no, nothing’s bad about exactly what you said, it’s kinda correct. I’m saying it’s kinda bad that you’re using these things as points to copy and paste blood elves, even further than they already are.

Like, even thinking about it in that direction kinda bad. Because you have to ignore Blood Elves as an individual race.

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Honestly I think the first injustice that was done to the Alliance and should be fixed is to give them Night Elf Paladins. Bad enough I have 2 of them in my class hall has followers.

Hey…technically…the moon is reflecting the light of the sun.
The sun gives paladins to Tauren…soo…

I’m not really asking for these things though. I’m just pointing out that IF Blizzard decided to share those hairstyles with Void Elves that Humans, Draenei, and Blood Elves have in common, they’d still likely cry the blues over Void Elves “taking their things”, even though nothing is being removed from Blood Elves.

That’s like the piracy argument, “it’s not stealing if it’s copying”, lmao.

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I don’t believe anyone would really mind since conceptually…well…everyone can do the same thing with their hair.

it is moreso that void elves had the model - skins, and now its model + skins.

You know thats…thats…no a bad comparison actually


Sadly this stance seems to be far too common in the forums. I used to be blinded by bias myself, but:


That’s a whole different ball of wax. Blood Elves/Blood Elf players do not hold the IP rights to skin colors, or anything really.

I agree with you, and you can ask the other antis. I point out when others are being unnecessary rude and advise them so.

Its more the concept behind it Nico not the IP


I agree with this but I feel like you’d be equally unhappy to see high elves being played. So really there’s just no way you’ll be satisfied unless high elves are never playable, and void elves don’t get light skins…even when you wouldn’t play either race.
Besides, void elves now get to look like Alleria, seems appropriate.

It was a comparison.
It was just a way of saying that he’s against people who are devoid of logic/rationality. I don’t think anti-vaxxers was an appropriate comparison.

To which a bunch of (the usual) antis decided it was appropriate to circlej bully him in response, Tres logique.


Sorry, it was’t a direct comparison to anti-vaxxing. It was however a comparison to misinformation. So, it was nothing disgusting.

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I wanted high elves with their own models, skin tones, hair styles, and hair colors, plus their own animations.

Also let’s not compare people to anti vaxxers, that’s just cruel.


This is a fair assessment on an objective level, but if you consider the feelings of people involved on that race, it’s something that rings even if in an incomplete illogical way.

And when considering that, this is a game and people would simply have less fun.

By saying Anti-Vaxxers use misinformation and comparing someone to them because of misinformation is in fact still comparing them to Anti-Vaxxers.


Lots of people use misinformation for a lot of things including the forums. So, it was a fair comparison of misinformation.

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Well…yes…I was against it precisely for the same reasons. A copying of an already existing race would be bad, whether its through skins, or making a separate slot for it.
Alleria is a leader NPC, and she did have lore explaining her looks which void elves didnt

Um…sorry…no…that does not make it appropriate in any sense. There is a line that shouldn’t be crossed, and that was one.

Where were you when 5-6 helfers did a circle of ignore bullying?
There is a lot of “its okay if the people I agree with do it, but not okay if people i don’t agree with do.”.
I have to agree with Somand, its simply bias having reign and getting in the way of people not recognizing disrespect.


We can all be nice and get along or I am sending people to bed with no dinner.


No, it wasn’t. Under no circumstances is it okay to use misinformation as an excuse to compare someone to Anti-Vaxxers especially when it concerns something meaningless like High Elves.

It’s disgusting that this is even being defended.

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i think that would work if they switched from the 2 warring factions model, to a more school based approach, similar in concept to harry potter but with wow based concepts. so a school similar to the bastion, a school similar to the revendreth, a school similar to highmountain, a school similar to suramar, a school similar to ardenweald. for example, each having a main magic type but not isolated to that magic type, as you can join it and it becomes your faction - your school, even if it isnt your magic type

Doesn’t feel so good, now does it?