New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

We could have them since they were in the Botanica dungeon.

I would like helf druids.


Someone claimed he was being compared to an Anti-Vaxxer and the person being accused admitted to making that comparison.

Simple as that.

If we got Void Elf Shamans, that would be the closest we could come to replicating the feel of a voidy Shaman from the Twilight’s Hammer.

It doesn’t matter at all.

he did you just ignored the comprehension.

I would like shaman as well.


It does matter because it crossed a disgusting line.

(Commentary): I don’t recall you in this conversation at all up to this point.

(Commentary): The only person I’ve suggested others ignore is a troll whom I put on ignore myself.

(Query): Are you saying you’ve used an alt to bypass the ignore?

(Commentary): I may be incorrect but that seems like a breach of the forum rules.

(Commentary): Nothing is removed from the Void Elves, however, not even essentially, because you can still make a Void Elf. If High Elves had been added as their own race to the Alliance, there still wouldn’t be anything being removed from the Void Elves. Not a single piece of customization.

(Commentary): I suppose I could just compare to Flat Earth’ers since they’re not quite as harmful in a direct manner, but the problem persists; the spread of misinformation and narratives in an effort to spread fear is disgusting and should never be allowed.


How so? What line was crossed? The misinformation line? Feelings were crushed?

I don’t agree.

The skin color alone does not make you look exactly like a Blood Elf. And even if Void Elves could look exactly like a Blood Elf, Blood Elves are not losing any of their options. At best your argument is that they are losing exclusivity
 to skin colors? Colors that Alliance NPC High Elves have, that humans and other Alliance races have.

Even many Blood Elf hairstyles aren’t exclusive to them. Humans and Draenei share several hairstyles with Blood Elves. If we get those hairstyles shared with Void Elves will you also claim we’re “taking” them from you too?

The only thing “unique”, and I mean that only as a playable model, that Blood Elves had was their model. And that ship sailed when Blizzard added Void Elves to the Alliance. Those skin colors are not unique to Blood Elves, nor are many of the hairstyles Blood Elves have.

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Do you really need to be told why being compared to an Anti-Vaxxer is disgusting?

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Aguni is his alt, which you did call.

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It’s kinda bad how you even found a pathway to justify the copying and pasting of blood elves

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(Commentary): Right, the person I put on ignore and whom I wasn’t even talking to when I brought up that example. Thank you for the clarification.

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correct. i was thinking they’d do a more scientific form of druidism, like they were called botanists

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Definitely down for that!

Race/class restrictions should go.

Also options for Moon beam colours spells for NE/NB(?) priest
 more watery animation for KT Shamans, Fiery colours for Taurens priest/Pallies would be lovely - Ah
 all my dreams

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Yeah sorry, not only did we ask for separate High Elf rig, we also didn’t ask for Void Elves.

But sure “aLlIAnCE bIAs”

Take it up with Blizzard, i’m sure they’ll reward you with 60 more Blood Elf customizations. :man_shrugging:


What’s “bad” about what I said?

Don’t blame me for pointing out the truth.

Blame Blizzard for making Void Elves use the Thalassian Elf model, and having many hairstyles that Blood Elves have also available to Humans and Draenei.



Even if they admit the comparison is made, they don’t care.

“This person agrees with what I want, so no matter what they say or do, it is fine because they agree with me.”.

okay, it seems you do not seem to understand, so the proper response is.
“I don’t understand why you are saying this, what are your reasons?”
The reason is simple.
it is a loss of uniqueness for both blood elves and void elves.
It dilutes the boundaries.
It pulls away from the void theme simply for existing, and it makes a unique appearance, no longer unique.

This is a form of conceptual loss.

I find it ironic you bring up flat earthers, but they have a habit of making a claim in spite of the reality of the situation. You are the very thing you have claimed to be again.
Not only did you mis-represent me, you are now contributing to mis-information my stance and views.
There was a time where you spoke logically and I enjoyed it, but you have really done away with that purely in the name of what you believe in. That is a shame.