New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

lets not for get the black proto drake mount for Naxx.

I stated that the addition of such customization essentially removes the void from void elves. That is because it makes being a void elf optional. So not only did you mis-represent my statement, you did not understand it either.
This is not at all comparable to fear mongering or presenting false information in a mass form of propoganda.
So let’s try that again.

Or are you going to start advocating to ignore me again because I am pressuring your poorly made argument?

Did I?
Tell me how saying

“I don’;t agree with this change, it takes away from being a void elf”
is in anyway attempting to spread misinformation and a false narrative to incite fear?

Answer: It isn’t, and you know it.’

Your comparison was not only improper, but toxic, and I would highly suggest you rethink your comparison.

A disagreement in opinion is not the equivalent of inciting mass fear and a health risk.

So again prove where was the mass fear being incited and in what post?.


its not moot. you have every class in game except 2 and i’m actually trying to help ya get druids also. and you have another class only 1 other race has access to. you have 4 times as many visual options, in some cases, more. there are so many advantages to being a horde belf vs. being an alliance belf, that i dont think its worth you worrying about it

How exactly do you not still have your aesthetics even if Void Elves get your skin tones? Void Elves aren’t getting your hairstyles, aren’t getting your hair colors (as far as we know), aren’t getting your jewelry options, and aren’t getting your green or gold eyes.

You’re really blowing up just over the skin colors being shared?

If you want more options for Blood Elves then ask for more options for Blood Elves. Don’t whine about Void Elves getting similar skin colors.


Your getting the very same thing Minus the hairs just a direct copy and paste.

At least that was made at the time. Black Qiraji War Tank was made in 7.3.5, but only for people who already had the Black Qiraji Battle Tank!

So we have no problem and are more justified by the wayfare

we argue with those who want it all

We are? We’re getting all your hair color options? We’re getting all your new jewelry? We’re getting your green and gold eye options?

Huh! That’s news to me!

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Since you’re too lazy to scroll up

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Yeah, that is not calling someone an anti-vaxxer. They stated they have little patience for misinformation

Still waiting on some evidence!

they will not give us druids due to comments people have made and addressed about blood elves not being in tune with nature.

We have been asking but everything we get you all scream for it too and it’s annoying.

That isn’t what she was saying at all. You guys keep mis-representing and its part of why this discussion is so bad. Address it head on.

With these options, you can make a void elf look exactly like a blood elf.
This pulls away from the theme of the blood elves since it is not unique.
There is no direct loss in the traditional sense.
It is a loss of uniqueness, however, that no other race has to deal with

Think of it like a popularity contest.
if I offer you blueberry AND raspberry candy, why would you go to the guy who only has raspberry?


He literally said:

“(Commentary): If you believe I am making the comparison because they disagree with me, then you’ve mistaken my point entirely. Its not because they disagree with me, it’s because they ignore solid fact to continue spreading a misleading narrative and misinformation.” Which is admitting to making the comparison.

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So much for your good deed and just trying to be helpful!

You forget, people won’t admit it unless it is word for word saying “I made this comparison guys”, and even then they’ll simply ignore it.
Going to say, I may not agree with helfers, but I am disappointed in many of them for going along with it.


He won’t care, if he can ask the question without realizing all of that it means he knows very well what the problem is and he’s minimizing the impact of it.

Yeah, they admitted having little patience for misinformation like other people that use misinformation.

So, you are stating all misinformation is anti-vaxxing?

i’ll admit having a thalassian druid on alliance would be dreamy, but i promised a belf on these forums that i’d help her advocate for belf druids, so here i am, advocating for belf druids. they should be like super druids, cause guaranteed, survival of the species evolution would hold tight to being able to transform into environmentally friendly forms.

He said he made the comparison that was he was being accused of. There’s nothing more to argue.

Nope, someone claimed they called them an anti-vaxxer.