New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

We asked for the Dark Ranger skins and their red eyes. nope the great wall of silence since appeasing the never happy Helf crowd is a never ending battle.

I hope you guys get those, as do many of us in here.

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I actually haven’t seen anyone say no to Dark Ranger stuff and Red-Eyes, so I don’t think this is accurate.


benefits of being a horde blood elf over being an alliance blood elf:

  • you are selectable as a playable race immediately, from level 1, with no effort required

  • a character boost will not render you invisible since the level bracket where you are introduced, is base - level 1, whereas an allied race character is boosted right over and is at minimum 110 levels later. a new player wouldnt even know allied races were potential playable races, until they’ve already been established in game. as a result, there will always be more blood elves than allied races. vulpera will suffer the same fate.

  • you have more class options because you arent specialized

  • you have more appearance options because you arent specialized.

specialized = nerfed so they seem different, mechanically and visually.


The company has not answered us at all it’s what we would like for giving the void elves our customization

Allied race will get some stuff in this turn. Eye colors, for sure, it’s visible in alpha that the eyes aren’t changing with face/skin, showing that the tech is ready. Probably some other things, like a few skin and hair colors at this stage, as well as some options ported from their parent models.

Void elves got all those skins only because they are just copy/paste, so the work will be mostly coding.


This is being done away with, so I’m not sure this is a benefit.

I don’t expect much from this company so I often forget about them.

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I’ll just be plain about this since so many people seemingly liked this post, but comparing someone who disagrees with you to an anti-vaxxer, to an individual who denounces scientific fact, and suggesting they are fear mongering is beyond inappropriate. Sorry, but I don’t appreciate you comparing me to one, especially as someone who works the medical field. That is particularly offensive

I disagree with many people here on their views, but this is inappropriate and many of you who liked the post without noting the inappropriateness of this are those whom I am disappointed in particularly since I would have thought we could respect each other as fellow gamers.


Allied races still require unlocking.

No they don’t, it was announced it was going away.

Same for WoD and Legion flight requirements.


Not in shadow lands they will no longer be locked.

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This is also a fair point to make and prolly the most likely thing. I don’t think it will be crazy if they don’t have that much ready for Velves at the start of things.

nope, in the next expansion they removed the requirements to make you a new one, reputations in shadowlands are no longer necessary


Yes, they will. It’s just the Exalted requirements that are going away. You still need to do their stories and the recruitment questlines to unlock them.


you still have to quest out the allied race, you just dont have to rep grind. but you still gotta be the appropriate level and then do the quest chains.

nope, you don’t require anything, you don’t have to have any achievements or missions

That doesn’t mean they are actually locked Alamara.
no requirement means you do what amounts to a 15 minute quest and bam, you got it.
That’s faster than unlocking flying

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This it has been confirmed by the company they will appear as races in the character creation

(Commentary): If you believe I am making the comparison because they disagree with me, then you’ve mistaken my point entirely. Its not because they disagree with me, it’s because they ignore solid fact to continue spreading a misleading narrative and misinformation.

(Commentary): I do not recall comparing you specifically to an anti-vaxxer.

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Well I mean that’s still better than what we have now, seeing stories in zones should still be required for Allied Races.

And yes before it’s brought up I know all bout the pre-story tied to Void Elves unlock. But as we all know they were inspired by Alleria.