New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

oh i agree but in this case, if you’re talking something as meaningful as druid abilities, which are a huge benefit, that would be retained and even more powerfully

I’m in favor for nightborne to get extra love. They really need it.


Then you made an error in judgment. Because that is not an acceptable comparison to make ever and the fact you’re trying to defend and justify this decision is kind of disgusting, to be honest.


Avarie will remain a night elf with purple hair. My hair style might change though, and I’m hoping for some nice ear jewelry!

These changes are okay. If you start sprouting stuff, we might have an issue.

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Don’t worry, the Blood Elves have an excellent customization, what more could you ask for? Besides we don’t know what will happen, let’s stop speculating and wait until Shadowlands comes out. There is no point in stressing about it.


If it is an error in judgement and not part of an effort to demonize people who have a different opinion than they do in an effort to try and discredit them. Not like we haven’t seen this type of thing before. and yeah, it is disgusting, especially over pixel elves.


We did but all High elf cried the loudest and screamed horde bias 24 7 maybe you should have just accepted what was given in the first place and been happy with that COMPROMISE. Is it that hard to do that?

Apparently it is and now when we ask what will we get your all so quick to tell us to deal with it.

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No tentacles for me!


I agree real life comparisons to people who cause actual real harm is without a doubt not wanted here.


Got a source, or did you just pull that out of your rear end?

I think I know the source

I want the NE armor to be the one on the loading screens n the bikinis they wear on the npc models . It’s what made me roll a NE to begin with cuz the armor was cool .

At this point I’m not sure how the robot is able to have any real feelings towards human beings. :crazy_face:

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Not at all, i just recognize that there wouldn’t be an avenue that would be “blatantly stealing the Blood Elf model”, until something like AR was introduced.

All that stuff is the exact reason, High Elf fans burst with the AR idea when ARs were introduced.

100%, they’re pretty bad, but that doesn’t mean they’re different from Night Elves.

you will not get it like that. it’s one of the reasons we have not seen new platekines
you know it will offend players.

you know the same players who have never gone to a beach and would see much worse.

Indeed they do starting with their eyes . They need to look like the NPCs not just horde reskin NE

well if nothing else, they’d end up giving us more customizations of some kind, either way, as belfs already have like 10 more hairstyles and 8 more haircolors and a bunch more skin colors, even before shadowlands customizations. you also have 3 more class options.

i think its odd that allied races were supposed to be special and something you worked to get, and that work resulted in a reward, that often felt like a huge nerf. why do i as a blue blood elf, have less of everything, as a reward for 2 months of ingame effort lol


We just call this the anti movement. :man_shrugging:

But they let us hide chest now just need a hide pants option too now