New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Prolly something to do with Eye/Face stuff which is tricky with Elves and they found the manpower to tinker with Velves and changed their minds.

But now they have an obligation to give treatment to other ARs.

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Ask for what you want, just realize other may disagree on it, and that you are not owed these options over people who want something different.


Void elves will have it as well, including tentacles.
in terms of bang for your buck, void elves offer a lot more than blood elves.

People bring up jewelry but everyone is getting it including kul tirans. The lines for the customization is in the game.


blood elves got the short end hard/

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It makes me very happy that the alliance has been able to receive the High Elves, but it is also funny that the Alliance will now be able to role-play 3 types of Elves, Queldorei, Rendorei and Sindorei. They won the lottery.

It also makes me a little sad that people from the horde are angry that the Alliance has been allowed this, is it not a little silly that people are allowed to be happy with what they like? It is a game, enjoy it.

Greetings to all :fox_face: :fox_face:


I just love how these people keep moving the goal post to keep fitting their narrative bad enough players are now demanding silvermoon be turned over to the alliance.


I’m pretty sure nightborne will get some love as well eventually.

Also, this exchange allowed blood elves with blue eyes, which was a demand from Horde players.

Everyone is getting some love. The tauren customization for instance is looking awesome.

what do blood elf players get for the alliance getting most of the blood customization? go on I am waiting cause I haven’t heard anything from the company so the blood elf players who have a valid reason to be upset are being told to shut the heck up and deal with it.

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May be a controversial take here but if Void Elves are only getting High Elf options I think there’s a big reason for that.

In Blizzard’s mind they may think it’s pointless to add more Void options if they believe most people are going to swap to the High Elf look. I know that’s a hot take but I think that might be their logic assuming the High Elf stuff is the only new options they get.


I don’t expect to. I’m not much of a fan of them. Still hoping to get the true blue eyes for my Blood Elf. Will def be doing darker skin tones.


Oh good. I’m glad the paragons of civility have equated a difference in game tastes with a campaign of denial that kills people, and then doubled down.


It’s called thinking before you type. Comparing what you did is void of that.


which is odd since they are supposed to be evolved night elves. you’d think their magic abilities would get even stronger if evolution is occuring as survival of the fittest function. i promised one of the belfs on the forums that i’d help her get belf druids, so i’m inserting my 2 cents on this part

Not even close, that was a bad, bad comparison to be made.


Evolved does not equal better. For evolution to occur, traits are lost as well. Change is not always good.

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Just for the sake of clarity, I feel the need to point out that there is no Half-Elf model in the game yet, otherwise I (and perhaps others) might agree with you there.

There are only 3 Half-Elves in game at the moment. Arator (uses Blood Elf model), Alodi (uses Human model), Kalec (uses Human model with unique face).


SO by your standard 1 eye option is valid for the vast amount of blood elf options you all picked up.


That’s why I want Avarie to remain herself.

(Commentary): I did. The willful spread of misinformation to illicit fear in others is a disgusting thing, and should not be given a pass because it’s regarding a relatively harmless topic. I doubt you would encourage someone spreading false information with the intent of fearmongering and misleading others.


WTB Nightborne NPC faces

or NPC clothes/armour for that matter!


Maybe the blood elf players should have spent their time asking for what they want, rather than what they wanted others to not have.