New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Money that Blizzard had ample opportunity to access repeatedly but skipped out on by not adding High Elves. So I guess their popularity didn’t matter much for 13-15 years.

That is where you are 100% wrong ever heard the term assume?

were not against customization were against have the blood elf identity stripped to appease you.


Silver Covenant, Allerian Stronghold, Quel’danil Lodge all disagree.


Pretty Elves will always be popular regardless of cute furries popping up suddenly. It’s a safe bet.

Only because Blood Elves were only given to the Horde so the Horde can have a pretty race?

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Which you don’t have. You have a loud forum presence. Void elves, last we saw somewhat decent numbers were the most popular AR, outnumbering a few core races. We don’t know how opinions lie, but it’s quite possible there’s more people who like void elves as they are and just had a reason to announce it to the world are a bigger number than the people crying over high elves. But we don’t know that either. But it’s possible.


Queldanil lodge nearly all dead.

Silver covenant Allerian strong hold
sure and the blood elves have a counter to both always had one. the sheer fact the game states your so called faction is more diluted by mating with humans reduces your demand for high elves

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a pretty monster race that engaged in pretty monster activities. They fit the horde like a snug glove.

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Incorrect, The group that refers to themselves as High Elves and not Blood Elves have always been on the Alliance.

Oh I completely get why they’re pissed off, thing is most high elf supports didn’t want the “hot glued to an existing race” option, they wanted an entirely different rig option for High Elves.

We both lose in this scenario.

Not when the AR system didn’t exist until 2 years ago, and even less because of the already planned ARs.

But nice try, almost as clever at lying as bro is. :man_shrugging:

The high elf request is the biggest player request, try again.

Strictly for their blood elf model and the avenue that presented towards Alliance High Elves, thank you for agreeing that it’s smart for Blizzard to move in the direction Void Elves were meant to be from the beginning. :man_shrugging:

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it’s the loudest.

prove it

Sure thing.

That’s all they have babe, the blood elf model.

0 story
0 history
0 presence or mention in WoW till their birth.

Try again.

It’s the biggest, jump up to the top of this thread and see what everyone is immediately talking about.

I’ll give you a hint, it sure isn’t the expected customization for Blood Elves. :man_shrugging:

Except, that is where you are wrong. There hasn’t been much about them since Cata, and even in Cata, they actually repelled from the attack.

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I think you should have been given the Half elf model not the High elf model since the Suramar quest lines lays out the painful truth you deluited your blood line by mating with lessor beings.


Oh please, people were asking for High Elves since Classic as a core race. Allied Races weren’t even a thought.

Blizzard had ample opportunities to make them a full fledged reality but went “eh… idk.” Wasted Money.

And given how popular Pretty Elves are, who knows what the shape of the World of Warcraft could have been in if they add been added way earlier.

So yeah, Popularity = $$$ is not always true if that $$$ is wasted.

They should of just made a high elf model that wasn’t the void elf or blood elf model, it’s not that hard to do rig changes to make a similar race look different, they literally did it with Nightborne with minimum work. :man_shrugging:

Look, I know it’s tough to admit you’re pulling your arguments out of thin air. But it’s pretty obvious. You can’t back up any of your assertions.

Besides possible Undead BE customization, and lore for the HE wayfarers and Silvermoon Scholars to officially be new VE recruits.

Looking forward to jewelry, I hope they fit themes? Blood Elves love red and gold, I saw the silver stuff very nice. Maybe VEs get some Void and HE themed colors in terms of gold and light blues and purples?

We still have yet to see new faces. The stuff about entropic embrace being a possible second skin or what ever and being able to be customized off is cool for people who want it.

I wonder what more things Blood Elves can look forward to?

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Howabout High Elves with Night Elves skeleton?

(I would be totally down for that - really! as long as they update the weird face they used back in Vanilla)

REALLY how are daff are you? seriously have you seen how poorly the Nightborne player character is? It is not even standing correctly the sholders are jammed in the back and NO female I know even stands like that not even in the military. the body proportions are completely wrong .

Serious where was human bio when the company did this craptastic mash up?

And then they were given to the Horde in a different taste and then the request seemed highly unlikely.

And then ARs happened, and now this happened. Weird how things work. :man_shrugging:

Sounds like the backlash of someone with 0 points to make but biased assumptions.

Tarrok, we all know you’re biased towards this issue, why would anyone believe you when you say this isn’t as big as we think it is, you literally hate this topic, obviously you’re trying to downplay it, even after seeing and invading all the threads with hundreds of supporters each, on the high elf topic.

Oh it’s ugly for sure, they need to work on it.

That doesn’t mean it isn’t different than the Night Elf model, how daff are you?