New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Noted - done :slight_smile:

Edit: Though, i’m too late. someone quoted me. oh Well.

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See here’s the thing with your argument, there isn’t an argument.

If the demand for Void Elf customization is so high that blizzard feels they need to direct resources towards it, why do you think they didn’t do it, I’ll tell you.

Because the demand for High Elves was infinitely more popular and will in the end, net them more revenue than not as asked for Void customizations, because this is the avenue they’ve unfortunately decided to take, what other choice do people have than to ask to be closer to that aesthetic through the only avenue they can?

I don’t know how you can defend a lesser niche like void customization against the high elf demand in a scenario like that Tarrok, if you feel like void elves need a louder voice for their customization options that they apparently are screaming so loud for, you should go tell them that because that’s unfortunately what it’s become, a popularity contest.

Yeah, shoulda went with High Elves to begin with but people who’ve grown to like them have a right to be concerned just like those excited for new customizations have a right to voice their stuff.

It’s just when one side tries to silence the other’s concerns altogether and vice versa we get all this pointless bickering over elves that will continue forever.


I can delete that if you prefer.
done… :smiley_cat:


Yes yes, we get it, you’re the only people who need to be catered to. Screw all of the rest of us.


Void Elves were never popular the general reception to making yourself look like a High Elf now is essentially a grand telling of how most people feel about Void Elves.

Which is the people who played them only did because they were just the dollar store variant of what they wanted which is High Elves.


Thanks - I was on the fence posting it originally because I felt it might cause upset and have concluded it probably would


Can’t request something that didn’t exist yet.


Hey, we just disagree on high elves, it doesn’t mean I disagree with who you are.

Yeah I am going to have to disagree with you entirely.
Not pointing out the obvious amount of Velf posters in here alone, before the death of the census, the Void elves were the most popular allied race.
They were so popular they were only less popular than night elves and SW humans.
That was WITH the unlock requirement which is being removed in Shadowlands


Your victim mentality is so cute, you’re begging, to actually be victimized.

Sorry you can’t see logic when it’s in-front of you sweetheart, void elf customization has never been a loud subject, especially compared to high elf options, now that they’re both hot glued to one race, you feel the need to pretend that void customizations were a big thing with a large following.

News flash: The entire point of Void Elves was for a high elf avenue, you don’t get to throw your tantrum now that they’re becoming that, if void elves had any redeeming qualities to defend like literally anything besides their niche void theme and the blood elf skeleton, i 100% would be on your side, but I guess Blizzard, much like a grand majority of people, didn’t really care to address that hu?

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That’s what you said ‘We’re loud, therefore we’re important and we need to get what we ask for. People who like void elves as they are are a niche and therefore not important and their concerns should be disregarded in favor of ours.’


Cezol, wouldn’t waste time arguing them.

The funny thing is, the people that are against these customisations are the same people against High Elves. They’re just spiteful, because they don’t like others to have anything.


Problem with that is majority, I feel like, as a regular human thinking person, you should understand.

Popularity = $$$

Niche theme = ¢¢¢

I assure everyone here they will remain on top of the AR charts cause of this.

Most curious Starla if we get undead BE customizations will you be using them on any BE? :grin:

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Um…no…because to make money you need to INCREASE the number of people coming in.
If you have velves, and they’re already popular, then you haven’t done anything to increase your numbers.

unique themes draw people’s attentions more than anything else.
People like being unique


and yet you show the very reason why blood elf players feel pissed off. Blizzard NEVER wanted to be a Lord of the Ring copy and the fact they had to appease another market to get people to play a very unbalanced game made the company put blood elves on the Horde BY the very GAME the High elves are NO longer even part of the Alliance.

And those that choosesto stay were shunned by there own. The elves WERE NEVER yours to claim if they left the alliance by the time WoW came out you had a fraction of traitors who stayed.

Those that remained were nearly wiped out by Arthas and renamed themselves blood elves for there fallen kin who 90% were killed. Blood elves have been a huge part of the Horde since BC High elves stopped at WC3.

the fact you just ignore the reason some of the blood elf player base are upset shows you have NO understanding or care too it just all about you.


I’m just making sure people understand that when they read through it.

Cause Tarrok is o’so cleverly trying to pretend there’s injustice happening against an issue that doesn’t exist because his anti friend is upset people are being given more options.

Well, can’t really prove which is the most popular AR at the moment, because there hasn’t been much sources to closely guess anything since patch 8.3 dropped back in Janaury. And a lot of people would’ve rolled for Vulpera since they became quite popular quickly. And it has been almost what now, 5-6 months into 8.3?

Guys, better to ignore them. Don’t fall on heated arguments, or this thread will end up locked. Use the ignore tool and let’s talk about more pleasant things.