New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Abandon all hope something something…

Damn, ran out of likes. :frowning:


If void elves lose their voidyness because people mostly switch to a high elf aesthetic maybe they aren’t as popular as people think.


No, I’m saying that people are right to be worried that creating additional changes to the void elf model to cater to all the extreme high elf demands might end up cutting in to any options they might have gotten when AR customizations come around for all. There’s limited time and money to spend on these options, and also the potential that Blizzard would not want to have the void elves have an excessively larger roster of aesthetic options that other races do not have.


Ssshhh, they’re relying on people thinking they are to make any sort of point, don’t ruin it for them.

Because people are against other people having High Elves? Yeah, that is not a worry there, just bitterness of people not wanting others to have anything.

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I’m just pointing out if the void aesthetic largely disappears with the choice to remove it, then it wasn’t that popular to begin with. But if people still have the option to be void, what is the issue?


Stop trolling, I mean, I know you admitted it last night, but you’re pretty blatant

People who want void elves voidy are against losing options they want to placate people who trash talk their race.


See all that goes out the window once you come to the realization that everything that is being added to void elves is 150,000% optional.

They always pull this card when debating issues of addition of content, then we look at Kul Tirans and mechagnomes and see that all that time and money created almost 0 hype based revenue because of how unpopular those additions were.

When in comparison to more High Elf aesthetics that have been hot glued to Void Elves are not only easier to do, but incomprehensibly more popular.


Does whether Void Elves are ‘popular’ or not make a difference to that discussion?

Except nobody is losing anything. Stop acting like people dislike having options have more of a say over those who are requesting.

After all, the people against these customisations and ideas for Void Elves are also the same ones who are against having High Elves for the Alliance.


Nice way to ignore the actual argument presented to you and make up a new one that you can actually handle

Yet. Look, right now it’s just a skin copy paste. But the more extras that are high elf centric and not voidy that get added on are going to weight against additional void options. Be it because of time, money, or an idea of fairness (void elves aren’t going to have 100s of customizations when others have dozens) there’s a limit to how many options the race will have access to.


[deleted a commentary per Rentosharshil suggestion]

Definitely this

Though I’ve only been in this thread the past 2 days and a lot of the discussion goes around in circles, some interesting ideas do crop up

That said - it has been a good source of reading material at my down time in work these few days - coming into work and seeing a few hundred new post to pass time - awesome.

That the Alliance is finally getting something they asked for…sort of.

And you know Tarrok can’t morally let that stand.

Not just Tarrok, but a couple of others too.


Prolly better altogether if you just delete that, It’s not a subject we should talk about in regards to Elves, tho I do acknowledge your comparison.

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Sadly I am no longer in the Helf corner. The sheer entitlement shown in this thread is appalling and shameful. blizzard reaches out and tries to compromise and in turn some get offended and storm around like a bratty toddler throwing toys.

I half to agree with some of the comments blood elfs have lost what set them apart from void elfs now that they are nearly a direct copy and paste job. Yet for saying such things the minority get offended and triggered and yet ignore the reasons why blood elf players feel ripped off and our issues and complaints were openly ignored by the company to APPEASE a very vocal minority.

The fact people are still saying nothing is being lost are openly putting their fingers in there ears and going lalalalalalalala I don’t hear you i don’t care my feelings and demands override yours so deal with it.

That is how you all sound.


It just shows they were a bad substitute in the first place.

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Void elves were never popular.
How many threads we saw requesting VEs as a new race? ZERO.
How many threads we saw requesting HEs as a new race? Probably 10 threads PER DAY since the first day the forums went up.

Nobody ever asked for Void elves. Just Blizzard being Blizzard and doing the opposite of what the community wants.


I don’t see how that is the case, Avarie.
It’s clear that there are many fans of Void Elves now without any of the changes being made or even more being asked for.
Even if they weren’t as popular as some people think they are it’s not an indication that they were some kind of ‘failure’.