New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

looks at the level 12 undead classic priest toon with the hidden profile with only 1 post and no achievements.

Something something…alts

From his postings telling people ‘they lose nothing’ it’s pretty clear he’s not considering that other people have different feelings on the matter.


(Reiteration): You are not losing blue skin, blue/tentacle hair, etc… you may look as distinct from a Blood Elf as you desire. No one is forcing you to select these new customizations. You. Will. Lose. Nothing.

(Commentary): Clarification is needed as I have no idea of what I’m being accused of. Also, I have that poster on ignore so I don’t know what they said, nor do I particularly care to know what they said. If you are attempting to communicate for him, I believe that is a violation of forum rules. If this is a concern you yourself have, please do extrapolate.


Yeah it’s Visaerys, I’m stuck on this classic alt for some reason. The forums won’t load my other characters.

Speaking of Classic, does anyone else get a glitch sometimes where they can’t post on their BfA characters and only on their Classic characters?

EDIT: Oh, there. It happened to someone else.

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You need to clear your cookies to fix it.
That means clearing the log in.
its the same issue i get on my PC. I get logged into my dead account sometimes

How about you be more considerate of Shadow’s feelings in the matter and not be trying to tell her she’s not ‘losing’ anything?
It’s a shame you put someone on ignore who has made great contributions to the discussion.
The peeps who are ganging up and harassing him by telling others to put him on ignore are not very nice.


Ah, that’s why closing my browser for a bit helps. Must take the cookies a bit to clear. Thanks for clearing that up. :grinning:

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blizz need to close this themes for some time

Void Elves will lose their racial identity and be little more then Alliance Blood Elves.


Omg this is exactly what went through my mind too lol


They already are.


You wonderful, wonderful blood elf, that I almost always completely disagree with.

Thank you brother! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Is this someone’s alt? :smiley_cat:

Isn’t this kind of a lot of people’s complaints with them as is?

I wish they’d let us feel like we have more power over Void portals. They NPCs can do so much with them. Spacial Rift feels so weak compared to how the Void powers are hyped up.

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Since we’re alt hopping. I got some new pets today.

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I agree, just because one person doesn’t think something is being lost. It doesn’t mean that other players feel the same way. I personally feel that Blood Elves, and void elves, have been ruined. Still in order for one group to gain another has to lose.

It’s Visaerys (formerly). Just got a name change. I was stuck as the classic undead for a hot minute.

Friendly reminder that I’m still campaigning for Elsa’s hair tied ponytail, from the beginning of Show Yourself in Frozen 2, to be added for male and female void elves.

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I tend not to alt hop, since the forums used to have trouble remembering which character I was on unless I never changed. I only made that one exception with Taurtarus since I just had to. :wink:

I fully agree they need to expand the void theme more. Which kinda is why people are concerned for stuff coming up/being changed from my perspective.

Last time I did heavy alt hopping I used it to insult myself for everyone’s humor and got flagged regardless…

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