New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Yes, and we have been proven right.

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At least we know what the issue is somewhat. More than likely they made an error somewhere in the scripting. I don’t know what they used…I want to say javascript.

Nah. There are people who want to be able to turn off entropic embrace and change their race title to High Elf.

That could literally just be an option in the character creator to flip between Void Elf and High Elf as a title without taking up another race slot.

That doesn’t mean they want you to lose entropic embrace or not be able to take the title Void Elf.

It’s not mutually exclusive.


(Commentary): An extreme minority even of the High Elf crowd, a minority no one even takes seriously. Instead of taking them serious, you should rejoice in the knowledge that Blizzard is never going to remove a playable race, because the precedent that would set for the game would be utterly disastrous.


The hell happened to your mog?!

Is it not essentially removing a race to make what makes them that race…optional?
If Worgen could be Worgen without the wolf bit, does that not, in essence, make them human?

Dwarves are still dwarves with a different skin, but a void elf is a specific type of elf. So removing that specificity means…well…they no longer are that elf…no?

I dont know…I was experimenting with mogs and its on this one right now. Right now im wearing the heritage set


Instead they will constantly demand XYZ of Void Elves be changed until they are Void Elves in name only. All because they didn’t get what they really wanted, a separate High Elf allied race.

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You kinda look like a DK.

Reminds me of my pally.

(Exasperation): And has been stated numerous times, even if Void Elves get the XYZ’s of High Elves, that doesn’t mean you lose the ABC’s of the Void Elves in the process. You. Will. Lose. Nothing.


We don’t know that. Racials have been changed before.

I am trying to get the rest of the gravewarden set so I can run around as a “dark paladin” type.

That looks good! I feel like the heritage set fits blood knights perfectly.

Telling someone they lose nothing, while creating options that take away from that identity, is rather disingenuous and presumptuous. We can’t tell people what they feel, so why continue doing so?


There is a strange knee jerk reaction to take any suggestion from a single poster incredibly seriously and assume it’s the common opinion.

One person on the forums can suggest a crazy thing and it can be just that person.


(Commentary): While this is not untrue, racials that make up the identity of a race are not removed from it. Only useless flavor racials or racials with non-existent game mechanics have been removed, such as the weapon skill racials. No one is asking for Entropic Embrace to be removed, only for an optional toggle for it’s visual effect.


How about you make your case but leave off the part where you make it clear you’re not considerate and empathetic.


(Commentary): Clarification is needed on your request. Please explain.


Yes, the ONLY visual distinguishing them from Blood and High Elves once the new skin and hair options are available.

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This exactly. It’s hard to grasp an idea when one doesn’t understand it, but that doesn’t make it not valid. I could never understand your point of view on the High Elf matter, but that doesn’t make your feelings wrong.


No…no clarification is needed, Aguni made the point first. It’s clear unless you’re just incapable of empathy…which I don’t believe is true.

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Yeah the Mecha-Gnome is awesome. I love him, he makes a wonderful contribution.

He’s both considerate and empathetic, it’s the people who don’t want the void elves to be able to go full high elf that are inconsiderate.

Allowing players the autonomy to choose is a good thing. It doesn’t mean a player can’t choose to continue being a very voidy void void elf.

It also doesn’t make blood elves less valuable. They have their own unique traits and looks that differentiate them beyond a skin or hair colour, and I suspect that blizzard will continue to differentiate void elves and blood elves moving forward.