New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Hold up…

I mean…discussing ignoring someone in a public forum is pretty obviously a form of trolling the other user.

Somand is someone whom I’ve disagreed with on things strongly, and someone who shares your views. If she is pointing out that your actions basically amount of bullying, do you not think she may be right?


Not one bit. If multiple people feel the need to discuss ignoring you… then maybe the problem is you.


Busted! :rofl:

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Customization options.

If the point of the tattoos are to allow you to play a Wildhammer Dwarf then the skin tone changes to Void Elves are to allow you to play a High Elf.

This is good news for you. Because that means people jumping in with normal skin tones are unrelated to Void Elves.

Void Elves are on shakier ground if they are just Void Elves.

You remember those edgy green eyed mana draining elves that got toned down after a single expansion?


Wait, Theon, did he really say that

discussing ignoring someone in a public forum is pretty obviously a form of trolling the other user.

Gosh, that contradiction from him.

Somehow I am not inclined to agree given the history of the individuals, including yourself.

I thought you had me on ignore Sara? :thinking:


(Commentary): That was already explained as a failing of the system. Are you so eager to bring down others and so gleeful at the opportunity that you wouldn’t even consider why?

(Speculative): Perhaps you should be put on ignore as well. I already find your insistence that people are trying to remove the Void from Void Elves to be a failure in logic, and you never acknowledge that you’re wrong, that no one wants to see void customization removed, just options to be a High Elf added.


Eh. Seems like it’s more of an attempt to stay on topic and to warn other users to not get offended/harassed.

It’s not like anybody is saying that Shadows or Lights should be ignored. They’ve got their own opinions we might disagree with but they’re not an ad-hominem storm.

Edit: Ok. So someone just suggested Shadows be put on ignore. =P But I get it. It has been a two year slippery slope conversation. xD




Atleast Lights and Shadows arguments doesn’t go around in circle 99% of the time. And they can be quite reasonable too (at times)

I am not sure what your point is.

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Did they fix it!?

Shadows conversation has been going around in circles for two years… Ever since I’ve been part of this conversation. Here is the flowsheet:

  1. High Elf customizations to Void Elves will destroy Void Elves! / High Elf Allied Race will mean that Void Elves will be forgotten!
  2. Mention that you’re not required to use High Elf customization / That the High Elf story has been happening the entire time and continues to go on anyways so really nothing would change. They’ve been part of every expansion.
  3. Return to 1.

Yeah, that’s a point. I don’t really know him, and only seen him on the forums as recently as my thread.

But these threads always seem to end up like these

I actually can’t edit my video post (in which I was going to coincidentally add “EDIT: Yes!!!”), so it’s still buggy.

let us try that theory

I disagree. There are people on these forums who want Void Elves to be renamed High Elves and have all void features removed. Threads have been made about it. Some of those advocates are even present in this thread. So yes, some DO want it removed.

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You can edit if you stay on the same line. The moment you add a new line, it bugs out.

That’s really weird.