New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

(Commentary): There is a line between trolls and those with a dissenting opinion. I would consider Lights, as an example, to be fairly reasonable in discussion.


Says she ignores himā€¦

Quotes him anyways, which says she didnā€™t actually put him on ignore.

Top 10 Things Science canā€™t explain.

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Funny now also with that comment how he tries to inpersonate you. Gosh, nobody can be Exacitor better than Exacitor.

Didnā€™t refresh the thread after placing him on ignore, considering I opened a new tab.


(Commentary): Allow me, then. When someone is put on ignore, their comments are Hidden. They can be viewed if you click on them, or if someone else quotes them, then the quoted dialogue is shown.



You can disagree with something and have a discussionā€¦

Or you could disagree with someoneā€¦ throw ad-hominems into every post. Whenever you get proven wrong you could change the subject, typically with more ad-hominemsā€¦

Not just him. There is apparently a discord group out there somewhere with an axe to grind against me.

The arguments are pretty bad faith.



I am liking this toxicity that involves the same 5 to 6 people bad mouthing a singular individual.


Eh. The ignore seems spotty anyways.

Sometimes I reply to other people replying to him/them. But sometimes their posts are just visible. Not usually though.

But getting trolled is annoying, so talking about it with a group of people isnā€™t really bizarre.


But it still defeats the point to quoting him when saying youā€™re putting him on ignore unless you have some agenda.

That defeats the purpose of ignoring them if youā€™re just going to click on them and quote.

It seems really petty and rude to do. A mature person serious about putting someone on ignore would skip over these hidden posts altogether.

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Arenā€™t some of the people in this thread kinda doing the same thing to Aguni? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Not really actually, not unless there is another discord server out there that is doing it.

I knew you always liked me even if we didnā€™t agree on high elves. :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m not Broflake.

Or are you? :joy:

So is being insulted. Which as a neutral person in this discussion I see plenty of.

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For that specific example? Nah. Weā€™re not organizing a group of people to go troll him.

But people talk about Fyre the same way.

If youā€™re gonna come in and be so toxic that people need to discuss ignoring you then there is gonna be discussion around it.

Weā€™re not a hivemind that can silently decide things like that.

I donā€™t play rogues. :popcorn:

You mean towards you? or towards others?

Others. No one has aside from maybe Cezol has tried to talk down to me in this thread.

Anyways, lets get back on discussion instead of derailing this thread. Canā€™t post videos anymore, so canā€™t use Futurama influance anymore too.

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So youā€™re equating tattoos, which lore wise anyone can get, to void transformation and corruption? :roll_eyes: