New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

OK, now you’re really just being pedantic. Is it really too much to ask that you just let people refer to the options as they wish without you chiming in with your comment?

I mean, if he outright says the customizations are for “the wildhammer look” then does that not make them “wildhammer customizations”?


Yeah…that’s a great way to promote a peaceful discussion. By labeling those who disagree with you a just stirring the pot, and telling everyone to ignore and don’t reply. That’s doing the exact thing you complain about others. Throwing dirt in someone’s eye, baiting them , and then screaming foul after.

In the same breath, demanding your opinions and ideas be both respected and heard. DO you not think extending the same courtesy you demand from others is a good thing?

Or is this a case where you say you don’t do something but do it anyway?

“Why do they say such mean things to us!?”

Well if you go out of your way to insult and dismiss people they aren’t going to care for you or your cause


Do as I say, not as I do comes to mind.


Yeah, it sucks. It is starting to feel like we’re getting more restricted to features on the forums, despite once we earn the privilege, it is easy to lose due to how easy some things on the forums are easy to abuse.

‘Listen to me everyone what I have to say is super important and everyone should do as i say.’



If you call these not stiring the pot:

Then got some sa… Oh wait, this is Broflake I am replying too. Nevermind. Nothing to see here.

Hi Starla, I see you still love your toxicity too.


Then you shouldn’t care about BfA when void elves were all blue and voidy. As Garrosh Hellscream said, times change.


Ok, everyone keeps mentioning it, so…

Gets upset about what others say…

Then says this.
Do you not realize telling people not to do something, and then doing it is a contradiction?

Clearly not.
Is this like the time you said 'i never flag" or “i never troll” and within the same topic you were saying “i am flagging this thread” and “hey look at this character I made to make fun of someone on the forums.”?

How can you ask to be taken seriously with such actions?


Times change.

But war… War never changes.

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I think the point was that…if one game doesn’t matter since its not Retail…why should WC2 be cared for it isn’t retail.


Yak. Yak never changes.


Oh dear lord Broflake, give up with your trolling already.

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Do you not see the contradiction in your words and actions Sara?


(Commentary): Just ignore him.


Ion: “You can customize your character to play what you like… like if you want to play a Wildhammer Dwarf.”

Them: “But not Void Elves! Also don’t ask for customizations to void elves to make them more high elfy. Also don’t ask for High Elves.”

All these demands. But the needle is getting pushed forward. so keep on keeping on.


Basically an “if you ignore it it will go away” scenario. I agree with the gnome.


Yeah, added him to my ignore list.

I don’t see why he is being upset about me telling people to just don’t reply to certain people who just want to come in here and stir the pot. Several people do that, then they act like there entitled to more of everything than everyone else…

Gosh, it is like “Equal Treatment for everyone” does not compute in there heads.

Very good example is the next post here.


(Commentary): Helfers demand respect for their views while giving none to others.
(Conclusion): The views of Helfers should be ignored and their demands not respected to demonstrate the contradiction.