New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Nobody cares about Sarallesta. See how that works?

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The High Elf Shaman and Druid options really intrigued me. I can see them fitting the Elves from Highvale in the Hinterlands. They could turn those old Elven ruins in the Hinterlands into a new Druidic hangout for the Wildhammer Druids and High Elf druids. Or expand their lodge area to have some druidic spot.

Having them embrace some more nature themed paths like Druidism and Shamanism is a refreshing take on High Elves.


I care about everyone.

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You’re really gonna try to apply that to blizzard storywriting? Cmon now!! lol

Thank you for your support of Classic WoW players. They’re part of “everyone.”

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Then we shouldn’t care about Warcraft 2 when High Elves were part of the Alliance either. As Garrosh Hellscream said, times change.


Difference between me and Classic WoW, I’m a person, not an old version of the game. This is GD, not Classic GD.

Then start acting like a person please.

That legitimately made no sense what so ever.

Yes, I would love so much for high elves to take on a nature theme. Nightborne are an echo of the magic addiction theme of belves, so high elves taking on a nature theme would be fitting!

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If they didn’t break youtube linking for level 2s, I’d link this:

Forum makers, why you do this!? :sob:


You want it straight from Ion’s mouth? Fine. Here ya go:

(Commentary): Seems to work if history is anything to go by.

(Satire): Take this gem.

Players: Woah, they’re burning down Teldrassil?! Obviously Sylvanas did it. I wonder why?
Blizzard: You’ll never guess who’s burning down Teldrassil.
Players: So it’s not Sylvanas? That’d make the most sense.
Blizzard: You will. Never. Guess.

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So it isn’t just me then. Good to know.

He just says “if you want that wildhammer look”. I wouldn’t really say that’s official but at least you were able to source something relating to it so I appreciate it thanks!

I first noticed it some hundred or so posts up, then it happened to Aguni right after posting a video. Now it seems to be affecting everyone.

Yes, that includes classic wow players as well.

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Maybe someone posted something naughty.

Classic only players dunno what they want.