New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Druids, while traditionally channelling life in most of wow history, just gain Drust Druids who gain their powers via death. 2 sides of the same coin we keep hearing Blizz hammering since 7.3.

While I would love a new class, I really don’t know if Blizz is able to cope with any more specs being added to the game - it just become another 2 - 3 balls to juggle

I believe that Race/Class restrictions should be gone. There is really no reason for it to be in game any more when each Faction has such increased length of time interacting with each other. Why would Monk uptake be greater than any class?

But just looking at Shaman alone, it really isn’t a stretch any race can be Shaman the moment they introduced Goblin Shaman. They are like the least Shamanistic race ever and gain their power via bargaining. If bargaining is all it needs to gain Shamanistic power, then literally anyone can be a Shaman.

Even looking at the Draenai origins for Shaman (a highly magical race like elves), they gained it because the Broken lost his connection to the Light - and while I advocate all race/class combo should go - this could be a similar story for Void Elves who were Light wielding and lost their connection to the Light after their accident turning them into Blood Elves

And the Farstriders don’t have tattoos at all.

It’s an Alleria thing inspired from the RTS when the Elves where more celtic themed. They aren’t now.

We do however see Runic Tattoos with Rommath and it fits as an expansion on the Mage Culture.


(Commentary): It would be horrible if people were trying to remove void customization from Void Elves and have only High Elf customization. It sure is a good thing no one is asking for that.


No one is doing that though. People are just asking for options that aren’t necessarily void-centric, not asking for void options to be removed. And I will keep saying that to you every time you push that BS line of “taking the void out of void elves”.


Guys, just don’t reply to them. If they want to act like this, then it is not worth it. Lets just keep on giving the ideas.


The tattoo and hairstyle options being added are from the Wildhammer Clan of Dwarves.

Trolls have new skins tones specifically to look like Sand Trolls.


What if I said I wanted to play a Mechagnome with normal arms and legs instead of the robot ones? Would that make any sense? Of course not! I might as well just play a regular Gnome instead. It’s the same thing with Void Elves. Take away the void aspect, and what’s left? Blood/High Elves.


Thanks for responding! But this is from WoWhead. I’m asking for something official confirming that these are wildhammer customizations etc. Wowhead is kind of second hand information and anything they post is pure speculation (Unless they’re quoting a blizzard post of course)

I don’t agree. And if you want your mechagnome to have the option to use non-robotic limbs, I won’t fight you on it. As you are fond of reminding every, your race tag will still say mechagnome.

There’s people asking for that, actually.
What’s the problem? If there were options to customize which parts are mechanical, why would anyone be against it?


Bronzebeard dwarves are just called dwarves.
Same for the trolls.
Even if they did, none of those customization options are predicated on the notionof them being related to void or light or something trict.

That is your subjective view.
From a design point of view? Its a bad idea.
You don’t double down on the same design. Its lazy, and it doesn’t make things enticing outside of alienating those who had the appearance first.


(Commentary): As a fan of Mechagnomes, I can safely say, I would encourage you and hope with all my heart your request is fulfilled, because I don’t need every other Mechagnome to have mechanical arms and legs to like my character the way he is. Your desires would have no impact on my enjoyment of the race.


Like an official statement that says “this lets you be a Wildhammer”? I don’t think it exists, but it is heavily implied.

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If you’re going to be obtuse and pedantic there’s nothing I can do to stop you. But I’ll ask you again to consider not needling people over their RP desires and the options these provide.

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Hey look through my post history - I’ve never said i’m against people RP’ing whatever they want and I can’t police peoples imaginations but having said that, people shouldn’t go around calling these X customizations when we have no confirmation. The reason why we’re getting new customizations could be a completely different reason.

Hell, maybe the dwarves are getting tattoos because the gnomes figured out how to make a tattoo machine? Or the Blood Elves and Void Elves went through a ritual like Tyrande and are now able to get blue eyes.

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I don’t believe anyone cares, or should care about RP.
At the same time, that RP shouldn’t take priority over game design either.


Guys, just don’t reply. We had such a peaceful discussion for a short while before they came in and started trying to stir the pot. Instead of replying to them, we could’ve continued on having a peaceful discussion eventually, they would’ve given up.

Racial animosity is what Warcraft was founded upon. Orcs vs Humans remember? This happy-go-lucky lets all hold hands and sing in harmony stuff has always felt wrong in Azeroth and always will. It’s why people play Classic WoW to get away from Retail.

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Nobody cares about Classic WoW.

There are red tattoos from the same RTS. It exists.