New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Not trying to start anything but like…because that’s the race? lol.


Will you say the same to those who make Wildhammer Dwarves and Sand Trolls?

Why would Blood Elves not get Ranger tattoos? They still have farstriders in their culture.

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There is so many possibilities actually with Void Elf customisations, but it is all up to Blizzard on whether they want to implement these ideas or not.

Corruption Slider

I look at this as the best idea actually, all thanks to Drede, because then it can mean that Void Elves can chose the corruption level of the void. Maybe from option 0 to 5, with the lowest being no corruption of the void, to 5 being highly corrupted by the void. And then that could also mean it can toggle the amount of Tenticles that the Void Elf have, and the Void Effect of Entropic Embrace.
Corruption Level Effect
0 No effect of Entropic Embrace procs and no tenticles
1 Slight Effect in the lightest of ways. Maybe like a lighter pale of blue or just the void effect being only effective on the armor. and very little tenticles
2 Slight Effect, but maybe just a darker shade for Entropic Embrace. Could also mean more tenticles for the Void Elf, and could scale more on the effect.
3 Deeper Effect, medium Void Form but maybe a slightly lighter shade of the blue than the last 2 corruption levels
4 Deepest Effect for Void Form. Ofcourse, will still only turn Void when Entropic Embrace Procs
5 Fully Void Form. Instead of turning Void Form when Entropic Embrace procs, you’re always in Void Form

Did they add Wildhammer as an official race? Has Blizzard made a post officially confirming wildhammers?

option 1 its for me ok, 0 imposible, and 2 3 4 choice for they want

Wouldn’t worry about them. Lets just keep coming up with ideas.

So, I ask valid questions and your solution is to ignore me? Okay then.


I’ve never been anything but civil but it’s nice to see the kind of people we’re dealing with here. Have a good one.


As of right now they are an Alleria only thing.

It makes sense for Void Elves to look more like their leader. Since she is the founder of the Void Elf fantasy.

Blood Elves on the other hand would be more likely to get runic tattoos like Rommath. Though it seems they are focusing on Jewelry and Body Jewelry istead.

Needs some tweaking but good concepts.

Yeah, just thought of it quickly. I could possibly come up with an idea maybe later today or tonight.

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They are adding Wildhammer customization option to the Bronzebear Dwarves. They are also adding Sand Troll (and other tibe) customization options to the Darkspear Trolls.

Is it really necessary to :poop: on people by constantly reminding them that their race tag won’t acknowledge their customization selections? Cause that’s kind of a sucky thing to do and you keep making a point of doing it.


How am I doing that? By asking for facts?


Okay and you say they are adding wildhammer and bronzebead dwarves as a customization options. I’m asking you to back up your statment with a fact. Is that a horrible thing or something? I honestly haven’t seen the blue post. If I missed it, please point me in that direction and i’ll gladly admit my mistake.

I like that idea a lot. 0 corruption for me!


Seriously. They want to play a Void Elf without any of the void aspects so that it’s really a High Elf.

And it’s boring and uncreative as all can be that will be barely seen. Ranger tattoos from the Farstriders would be a far better option that should be shared since Blood Elves still possess the dominant Farstrider group.

This isn’t even about void elves or whatever for me anymore. It’s people making their own assumptions, stating them as fact and then they get mad when I ask them to source their information.

I don’t think i’m asking for the moon or anything.


(Observation): You say this as if it’s a bad thing. It’s not.


Tattoos for all!


Is it really necessary to constantly push to take the void out of Void Elves?

So now there’s nothing unique about elfs. Okayyy I guess.