New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I mean, the options are very obviously intended as a compromise. It’s really hard to argue otherwise.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking for additional options in that direction. That said, it’d be good to keep expectations in check on this. I don’t think anything too wildly beyond what we’ve been told is coming is likely.

Hoping for some additional hairstyles and some actual distinct hair color options (I don’t even care what, Void Elves are starved for color saturation and contrast on that front, they can be “normal” colors or crazy void ones for all I care, just please make them look meaningfully different from the ones that are already there, no more “quarter shade difference and call it a unique color” options, please). Not really even holding my breath for either of those, but they’d be nice.

I do think it’s been easy for people to go overboard both in their expectations of what could be coming as well as in their reactions to things that aren’t even in the cards yet.


Where has it ever been stated that Void Elves have to be purple and have tendrils sprouting from their heads to be identified as a Void Elf? Alleria identifies herself as one and she looks identical to a High Elf. They should still be able to look normal and be able to refer to themselves as Void Elves if they want to.

But if Blizzard does actually come out and say they’re integrating High Elves into Void Elves, what will you guys say to these requests then? To me, the fact that they’re giving Void Elves actual High Elf eyes (They’re different from the blue eyes blood elves are getting) is probably Blizzard hinting at something, and I think that’s why me and a lot of other people are asking for these last few things.

This isn’t really the same thing, but why would it even matter? It’s not taking anything away from people who want to play as a Worgen in combat?


Literally was the reason Ion stated void elves were picked over high elves.

Cool, while we are talking about Alleria, what happens to her when she goes into combat?
She turns all voidy gal. She doesn’t remain looking like a high elf that you and several other high elf fans have focused on. It is completely ignoring the actual void elf behavior because of the fascination of wanting to be a tolkien trope, in a game where said tolkien trope is already [resent.

This is quite literally the same thing.
What makes worgen, worgen? They turn into wolves.
What makes a void elf a void elf? They are of the void.

No void = just an elf.
no worgen = just a human.

These facetious responses are old. I would rather you, and several other users just be honest and say

“I just don’t want any void and I want to look exactly like a blood elf but I don’t want to roll Horde.”.

Now we get silly idea like void paladins. Like paladins aren’t a class that represents the light.


To which I say, there’s no such thing as “enough” options. Customization is a neverending cycle of development. It may be slow, it may not always give us what we want, when we want it, but there is no reason not to keep asking. And options are… as the word implies… optional. No one is forced to use them if they don’t want to.


It is enough for some to be fair.

I’m pretty happy for instance. This gives me what I wanted which is the ability to RP a high elf on both sides with a modicum of lore to support it.

I don’t begrudge others asking for options, especially if they’re intending it for a broader then elves thing. (Wildhammer, sand trolls)

I do think some are trying to do away with velfs and those folk need to reconsider how they’re going about this.

Unfortunately for you the fel addicted elves don’t exist. Roll a blood elf.

If i wanted to play a fel addicted crack elf, i would do so. I don’t want to play a blood elf, i love my void elf and her racials. I like the fact that my Void Elf didn’t stand with evil, that she left everything she had ever known to renounce wrong.

I don’t understand this fascination that people have of us wanting to be Blood Elves. It’s kind of a cheap cop out to accuse us of that instead of addressing what people are actually saying.

God’s how neat would it be if you could roll the Fel blood elves… Don’t know how lore would work but those little wings!


I’ve been a proponent of sharing a few Human hairstyles and colors with Void Elves in an effort to give them some hair palette and aesthetic diversity without copying anything unique to Blood Elves. It would also make sense if you put any stock into the constant references of High Elves and Humans “intermingling” that the game often mentions, and the implications that High Elves are, indeed, joining the Ren’dorei.

Here’s what I’d like to see shared but others may like different options:


Those don’t exist mate. We killed them in TBC. I know you’re trying to be provocative though.

People want to remove them. So…clearly…not.

Well…this story never happened at all. The high elves who renounced were quel’lithien. Every high elf simply didn’t return home at all. They also still consider Silvermoon their home and the sunwell important.
Void elves have chosen to abandon all their people believe and dabble in void magic which is the most destructive force in a way even blood elves would find horrifying.

“I want to remove entropic embrace’s effect”
“I want to not look like the void is a part of my character.”
“I want paladins.”

What does that leave you with?
A blood elf.
So basically, you want blood elves for the alliance, and would willing give up everything that makes a void elf a void elf to get it. It is hardly a cheap cop out when you’ve had many address what the results of your requests would be.

Oh, but Horde players were greedy when they said “We want all our races to be unique including blood elves” while alliance players said “we want what we think we deserve even if it hurts faction identity.”.


Demon hunters good sir. Demon hunters. =P

Far better than felblood elves. Which…wouldn’t work because blood elves would kill them.

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TBH, anyone genuinely arguing for this (I think it’s fair to say at least some of the time this is not being brought up as a good faith argument) isn’t worth taking seriously or engaging with. Blizzard isn’t in the habit of removing races from the game, and I’d be shocked if retconning an existing race out of the game isn’t an idea that they immediately dismiss out of hand as being utterly ridiculous.

Void Elves will still be there. It’ll be fine.

I want a glyph for little wings!

Oh I’m pretty sure many mean it when they say it.

Different racials does not mean different race. And Allied Races does not mean different races either.

Are Kul Tiran humans and Humans different races?
Are Mag’har Orcs and Orcs different races?
Are Zandalari Trolls and Trolls different races?
Are Lightforge Draenei and Draenei different races?


I would be completely okay with this idea.
Can they flap occasionally while standing in place?


They absolutely must!


I mean, sure, but it’s hardly a request that stands any chance of gaining even a little bit of traction.

I doubt anyone at Blizzard would actually take it seriously even for a moment.


I have no faith in Blizzard. They jumped the shark already.

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Are Kul Tiran humans and Humans different races?

According to the devs, no they are not. Though there are some who insist on putting forth that they have Drust ancestry mixed in, the devs are on record as saying that Kul Tirans are the same race as Stormwind Humans and their large appearance was purely a choice to differentiate them.

Are Mag’har Orcs and Orcs different races?

I’m not sure there’s been any specific dev comments on this, but many will put forth that the Orgrimmar Orcs are “different” because of their felt taint.

Are Zandalari Trolls and Trolls different races?

In this case, I’d say they are more like a different ethnicity of Troll than a different race, but WoW seems to be fine with categorizing different ethnicities as races in some cases.

Are Lightforge Draenei and Draenei different races?

Technically no, but they undergo a process that infuses them with the Light to a degree that Exodar Draenei do not possess. Does that make them a different race? Not in my opinion, but it does make them fall under the same category as the Orgrimmar Orcs in that some fundamental magical force or element has been introduced to them and thus makes them different from the others.


Wrong! Most of the time when i see people talking about High Elves, they’re talking about the history. Like the ones you have mentioned above.

They want to be the High Elves who stayed with the Alliance who just so happen to look like Blood Elves, that doesn’t mean they want to be Blood Elves, it just means that they want to be High Elves. I never have ONCE seen them claim they want to be a sunreaver or have fel addicted green eyes.

What i DO see them ask and grind for is silver covenant armor, silver covenant aesthetics. You would think that these people would be calling for things that coexist with the blood elf identity but they’re not. We don’t want Silvermoon, Sunreavers, Chicken mounts… etc… There is a CLEAR distinction of what people are asking for and it is NOT Blood Elves.

One other thing that Velftroy posted that you never responded to is “Why does it matter if it doesn’t affect you” and that’s my main question also.