I would love a void-wielding melee class/spec. Retribution Paladin with a void skin at the very least.
Doubt it would ever happen, but I would love it. Could just be a “simple” color change or actually change spell names and even add/subtract some.
I would love a void-wielding melee class/spec. Retribution Paladin with a void skin at the very least.
Doubt it would ever happen, but I would love it. Could just be a “simple” color change or actually change spell names and even add/subtract some.
A Voidadin? Hell yeah.
Yess!! I could have swore that the Twilight Hammer also had void paladins like the ones you are describing!! I’m definitely down for that!
Blizzard literally calls them an allied RACE. Their RACIALS are different from Blood Elves. Void Elves are a different race, period.
Those High Elves aren’t playable.
Both sides have the “real” High Elves. Blood Elves are High Elves that changed their name. Void Elves are Blood Elves that were transformed by the void. It’s also implied that some Alliance aligned High Elves have joined the ranks of the Void Elves, but Blizzard hasn’t confirmed this. Now that Void Elves are getting normal skin tones, the helfers are coming out of the woodwork and claiming Void Elves as their “own”, despite wanting nothing to do with them for the past 2 years. Void Elf lore hasn’t changed, so it was obviously about appearances all along.
This is the strangest argument ever. You think because you liked them before a lot of other people did, you’re somehow more entitled to having an opinion on the matter? I’ve seen you bring it up heaps of times now.
No it wasn’t, lmao. What this feels like is Blizzard saying, “This is the best version of High Elves we can give you.”, so a lot of us are just accepting it as a compromise now. I guarantee you all of us want an actual High Elf AR over a Void Elf customization. But just like the Trolls and Dwarves have to, it seems like we’ll just have to accept this as our compromise. It’s the closest thing we have to High Elves, so of course we’re going to start showing interest.
Also, those blue eyes the Void Elves are getting are actually identical to the new High Elf eyes. The blue eyes the Blood Elves have aren’t. It’s pretty easy to assume it’s suppose to imply we now have proper High Elves amongst the Void Elf ranks.
You heard it here first - Dark Iron Dwarves aren’t actually Dwarves anymore. Only because they have different racials to the BB Dwarves and are called an Allied RACE.
Yep. Blizzard is essentially doing what we said should have been done from the start: make void elves more varied.
Those who like the original lore-void elves, feel free to keep your blueberry skin and glowy hairdo. Those who don’t can look, and act, as high elves. Everybody wins.
Besides, it’s bizarre how these guys insisted that “void elves were your compromise”, but now that the compromise has improved, they are bitter because Blizzard listened to us. So, we are not supposed to accept this now, I guess?
Bitter and spiteful for ZERO reason. I don’t pay them mind, I’m to busy making a mog for my future High Elf ranger and HOLY priest! <3
First it was “We want the High Elves that were always loyal to the Alliance”. Now it’s “We want racial toggles. We want different racials. We want the UI to say High Elf and be addressed as such by NPCs. We want paladins”. It’s never enough. If you give a mouse a cookie…
“Unless everybody completely and utterly agrees with what I want and like, then they’re bitter and spiteful!”
There are two sides of everything, in this case many players don’t agree with some of these changes, many also don’t agree with ANY of these changes. The ones who are spiteful, are those who attack and name call other posters for the sole fact hat they disagree with their own biased views.
Dear “Helfers”: This thread will not be turned into your own little circlejerking echochamber, no matter how hard you want it to be. Deal with it.
Honestly I think it’s still this.
Folk seem to disagree on whether they actually got the high elves they’ve been asking for.
See, if we had gotten them as an ar we wouldn’t be asking for more.
So instead you try to completely change an existing one and take the void out of Void Elves?
What do you even want for future Void Elf customization? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you ask for anything.
Some do. No doubt.
I think void elves should remain. They stand on their own.
I’m a supporter of the subrace/group idea bouncing around but that’s not limited to this one race, and if it happens I think blood elves should get “high elves” too.
Void tattoos for one. Been asking for that forever. I also want black hair, but it looks like we’ll be getting that for Shadowlands.
Black hair seems likely, the option already existed on NPCs (albeit this seems like maybe on accident). Was always weird that it wasn’t made an option sooner.
Void Elves aren’t going anywhere, I would be surprised if we didn’t continue to see them used in exactly the same capacity we’ve been seeing them up to now (so, basically, random NPCs here and there kind of just existing more to remind us that they exist than to tell any actual story about them).
I would also like to see some more void-based customization options come in, but I have a feeling they won’t be in this first wave, unless they’re completely backpedaling on the “ARs are getting their customizations later” thing.
Void tatts, black hair, voidy arm and leggys, moar tentacles…
No instead we ask for options, that are you know, optional. We didn’t make the choice here. If blizz asked us if we want our own high elf ar, or if we want to take over void elves, what do you think we would pick?
That is the thing though, it completely defeats the purpose of a void elf being called a void elf.
What is being requested is for this race and ONLY this race to have everything that defines it to be completely removed.
It is the same as saying “I don’t want to turn into a wolf as a worgen.”, even though this would mean they’d be the exact same as a SW human.
The void elf racial is…well the void elf racial. It wouldn’t make much sense design wise to completely remove it. Add different colors? Sure.
Delete? I do not agree.
You got 90% of what you wanted, but it still isn’t enough…