New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

is that in itself that is the problem right?

They are not aimed at creating the subraces or specializing the clans, for which they are all being treated the same, as will be the trolls and the hammer dwarves

unless they surprise us in this stream

We can dream.

I won’t bet nothing on it though.

For now we must assume from what we have. Preferably without trying to erase Velves as some try…

So, does this mean bloodelves ARE highelves like Ion said?
or are voidelves highelves?
I’m still confused from a lore perspective which side got highelves.
I know the warcraft 3 backstory of bloodelves, and the alleria backstory of voidelves. Still confused however.

Only reason I keep pointing it out is because some keep asking to change the racials and add paladins. Otherwise I wouldn’t care what you called yourself.


Both did. Blood Elves changed their name from High Elves. Void Elves were Blood Elves before transforming.


Blizz spent 7.3 hammering the point that Light and Shadow are 2 sides of the same coin. Therefore if the light can power Light Paladins, then the Shadow can power Shadow Paladins

Tweak spell effect colour from Holy to Shadow - 3 new specs to RP without creating an additional class to balance. Slap a few different names to anything that refers to “Light”

The Sun is good enough for Taurens to be Light Paladins? - Why they just introduced some Black Moon backside pull - that could make Shadow Paladins too surely.

Open Shadow Paladins to all races that cannot be Light Paladin (eg. Forsaken. Or Trolls - if Rezan can grant ZT access to the Light, surely some random other Loa can do the same for Shadow) to have access to Shadow Paladins.

Oh, wrong thread?


Shadow paladins literally don’t exist. Light and Void go boom when mixed together. Void Elves can’t be paladins, period.

I am going to assume you are deliberately misinterpreting to troll because you strike me as an intelligent person :slight_smile:

Shadow paladins may not currently exist in any form in the Warcraft universe (I’m assuming they don’t but I also haven’t delved too deeply into this)… but does that mean they couldn’t?

I mean, assuming the Void can be used to do everything the Light can do (and only the devs can decide that), what’s to stop plate wearing, weapon wielding, spellcasters from tapping into it and doing everything a Light-wielding Paladin can do?

They might not have the same ethos as Light-wielding Paladins, and perhaps they’d call themselves something else, but if their mechanics are exactly the same with only their damage type being shadow instead of holy, why couldn’t such a Void-wielding “Paladin” exist?


The lore is whatever Blizzard says it is. As far as current lore is concerned, shadow paladins don’t exist. If Blizzard decides to change lore regarding paladins, so be it. So far that hasn’t happened.


You’re absolutely right.


That’s what I keep saying.

Void Pallies could be a thing.


But until they are, they aren’t.


Can’t argue that. That’s just how things work.

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I figure that’s something Yogi Berra would have said. :stuck_out_tongue:


Being void infused doesn’t change your race (i think), blood elves demon hunters are fel infused and still are blood elves, they didn’t got a new racial.

The process that created void elves almost turned them into ethereum, this process gave them new racials and features like tentacles, pale skin and blue hair.

The high elves joining void elves ranks even if void infused, can’t be considered a new race.


And there is no official source confirming that Void Elves are a new race. So, Blood, High and Void, they are all the same race.


Okay, so then what about the highelves you see in hinterlands, crystalsong forest, dalaran etc who are not transformed voidelves but are on the side of the Alliance

and why are so many alliance players now claiming they have the real highelves when really its the horde that always had them since the beginning of WoW?

Coulda sworn Belfs came in TBC. :stuck_out_tongue:


The Before Christ? :rofl: