New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

it’s a good story for role play, I like it


Correction, you can make a Void Elf that closely resembles High Elves. :wink:

:man_facepalming: I should have just stuck to ignoring you guys, lul.


He did not say anything bad to you, in your head with your clear roleplay that you can say that he is a high elf, but do not expect others to see him like this

we must be more tolerant with everyone’s opinions

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Yes, RP whatever you want, but for gameplay purposes your character is still a Void Elf.


Does someone have Bladinas’(I hope I am remembering the name right) list of high elves somewhere?

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Yeah like a Wildhammer is in the game play just a Bronzebeard dwarf.


That wasn’t my point though, lmao. Void Elves are still thalassian elves, even if they’re purple and have tendrils (sometimes) growing from their napes.

I think that if you have to distinguish between clans and races

The wildhammer thing is very similar to that of the orc clans and it will happen with the trolls depending on the color you will be of a clan or another

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But class selection and racials would be different for a Wildhammer. A Wildhammer wouldn’t be able to be a warlock or paladin, for instance. In the end it’s roleplaying all the same.

Besides, void elves are “another flavor of high elf” or not? Class selection and racials would be a little different, sure, but when someone insist in calling his void elf a high elf, he’s not any wronger. I find calling a blood elf “high elf” way more anti-lore, because blood elves take pride in their name, changing it was a big deal for them. Being called a high elf is being ignored of all their sacrifices.

“But I’m a high elf that decided to go back home. I never called myself a blood elf.”

Wouldn’t that also be factually RP’ing against what the canon option the game offers you?


i’m a high elf, renamed blood elf, renamed void elf. hehe.

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Not if there is a big difference, I do want to become a wild hammer I would choose a class as shaman, and my transmog that is the most similar to the theme, nothing that the dwarves have affects in this sense

In the case of voids elfs they let you have the normal skin, but you are still an elf who has imbued himself with the power of the void as an allergy, and more example you have the passive that affects you visually

Even so blizz has not said anything, wait for the stream and depending what they say will be one thing or another

that if the role play is not taken away from you by anyone and even less with transmogs

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Yes, we were all 3 in the same lifetime.

Uh. No.

Wildhammer are very different from the Bronzebeard.

Speaking of Wildhammer, I hope some time down the line they add a Wildhammer heritage questline to the Dwarves. They already have one, but it’s Bronzebeard. Why not cover both bases?


I’m not trying to attack you here, and maybe it’s not your intention, but the fact that you keep pointing that out just seems like you want to rain on the High Elf parade.

We get it. Unless something changes, the race tag is still going to say Void Elf. I don’t think anyone is under the illusion its going to say anything else without a drastic change in how races are presented.

But there’s no need to be a downer on everyone happy about what they see as their best shot at actually playing Alliance High Elves, regardless of what the racial tag says. Blood Elves have the same issue of racial tag to contend with, so why not just let both sides enjoy their “High Elves” without trying to put a dampener on it?


If you think that the orc clans were not so different from each other, I recommend that you read more of them, and you will be surprised that they are even more developed than the dwarves

If we were to have alternative racials i’m not sure what I would give Wildhammers if they had the option to tag themselves in a way many have suggested for High Elves. But i’d love for them to have the Druid option at the expensive of Warlocks and possibly a few others. Especially if they could get some unique beard options to fit the druid aesthetic.


I’d say Storm Hammer, but that’s kinda covered by Storm Bolt. Would be kinda weird to get a racial that’s basically the same as a class ability. I don’t expect them to get their own racials though.

In the interest of just for fun though, maybe a passive mount speed increase like the Mag’har one to reference their bonds with gryphons?


I considered putting the rest of my thought but decided against it. Let me add it here.

While we’re at it the trolls and the orc clans including the Mag’har deserve the same treatment.

Honestly if they went that route I’d love to see alternative racials for Stormwind vs. Lordaeronian survivor, to Stromgarde and Alteraci humans.

(with the main Alteraci going Horde though.)

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