New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I super hope they dont give them blond hair or even lighter hair colors.
I hope they kill off the rest of the high elves.

Maybe the blood elves of the horde will act like a horde race and force you to join and bolster their ranks or get slaughtered!
just so this boring version of the race can die out!

Translate: “I’m an edgy person who doesn’t like other people to have more options to chose who they really want to play as or on how they want to express there characters”.


You complain about the overuse of Blue when your outfit is just one big Blue thing.

oh i’m not edgy at all.
I want the void elf to get less tentacle like void and get more sparkly star stuff.
Pretty twinkling hair colors.
The void has a dark side but it also has a beautiful side… I’d like more expansion in that area of design rather than bland blonde people when there is a whole other race that can be bland blond people.

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dont judge my outfit… i’m not finished getting the pieces for my mog yet… meanie

I’m talking about Archmage, unless you’re them.

I hardly ever notice them. They aren’t a big deal at all.

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I hope we get a variety of hair colors, not just blonde and white.


The irony of this statement is that it is an accusation of what you are committing. Your expectation is that if I understand your point, I should be agreeing with you, and thus because I do not agree I do not get your point.
It is best not to accuse others of the very action you commit, particularly when it does not have the self awareness to realize that if one were to have such a consistent point, you would be asking for the dissolving of the faction boundary, rather than an exception being made for the pretty elves of the horde to share their theme.

But hey, if it makes you feel bigger go for it. b(^_^)

Where as horde players were looking at them everywhere since TBC instead of having to look for them, and not having to search for NPC’s to make a declaration of importance. :man_shrugging:

But hey, your feelings need more importance.

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Eh, like I said, that isn’t going to happen now.
Keep in mind the company producing this game.

They want to be done quickly, and efficiently.
They know these options will be enough to placate people so they don’t need to work on much besides re-colored assets they make for the blood elves.

Not really. Outside of neutral Dalaran or if you’re invading Alliance territory they’re few and far between on Horde side…

You might be referring to Blood Elves? It would be nonsensical if you were since that doesn’t make sense with what we’re talking about. But maybe you misunderstood?


The entirety of your post is facetious in its nature at best, and self defeating as well. If you wish to play the game of semantics, then unfortunately you’ll have to concede you didn’t get high elves, and any high elf that does convert to void elf gives up everything you love and claim to be high elf.

Which you won’t do, because you care about the aesthetics, not the lore which you use as a weapon to project opinion, and you’ll simply ignore it being pointed out to you.


Right now rather than adding Allied Races for Wildhammer Dwarves or Forest Trolls, etc… they’re adding customization to get things done.

As far as we know Lore-wise, except for Valeria, if you’re a void elf then you’re blue/purple.

So until Blizzard comes out and says why there are suddenly flesh toned Void Elves then it just seems to be that’s the vehicle that they’re adding allied races now.

and… that’s the reason why we’re asking for further customizations to Void Elves. Paladins/Entropic Embrace changes.

You were being obtuse and I corrected you about the lore and the game.

But you complaining about the game-play limitation of the current implementation of High Elves is just that. You complaining. It’s not objective and it’s not relevant.


Sorry, none of that post addressed the point I was demonstrating other than to say “Well we want this and that and this.”.

I couldn’t take this seriously since you did no such thing. You used the lore to make a disingenuous statement, and even worse ignored the fact that under such a disingenuous statement the blood elves are still the high elf racial group.

I like this notion because it pretty much confirms my statement.

“I can complain about what I want (high elves not being playable for 15 years), but you’re not allowed to complain about what you want.”.

Doubling down on what is a contradiction and largely false in its premise doesn’t disappear simply because you choose to dip further into it.
Anyway, I know you’ll triple down on the matter so, apologies for engaging you.

Wow Encyclopedia, “Blood elves no longer truly consider themselves high elves, and they tend to have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred.”

High Elves are a group name. When the Blood Elves changed their name they stopped being High Elves.

Which you know. You’re just being obtuse.

The rest of your post is pointless so I’ll ignore it.


Nothing of merit was stated in this post, therefore, there is nothing to be responded to here.
It is basically the same as my pointing out the matter of the zandalari troll model, and you once again saying “I measured the femur.”.


I accept your capitulation and understand you are unable to debate further on this point.

Have a good day.


This is hilarious to me when someone repeats this under the guise of greed.

Like the literal bare minimum avenue for high elves, was somehow an olive branch from god.

In doing this, it’s laughable to think Blizzard thinks that this is where the request for the aesthetic and story would stop.

So it would make sense that they know it isn’t the end :man_shrugging:


I accept that you believe flipping the chessboard and declaring yourself as winner due to your inability to process points countering yours.

Enjoy yourself!


Heh, so true. We’ve been told “void elves were your compromise” for two years, except not even Blizzard said that when directly asked “why the void elves instead of high elves?”.

And more high elf stuff can’t “destroy void elves” because void elf lore is pretty… void! Some people thought they should be more freaky, others that they should be more high elvish, but they can go any direction because none was established in over two years.

That’s something I warned way back in the beginning: be careful of void elf expectations, because there’s nothing defined, and one’s personal vision of them may end up clashing with what Blizzard ultimately does with them.

Meanwhile, high elf discussion dominated the forums while void elf discussion had no base to stand on…