New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I’ll prepare for that. You better prepare for a bubble bath, because no bubble is going to save you from a Chaos Bolt.

Sorry, didn’t hear anything. Divine shield was up and it blocks all attacks.

sets up a chair and gets some popcorn



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I really hope undead BE skin customization options and red eyes are coming to the BE player base and will be announced soon :frowning:

I hope Blizzard sees people have been asking for that too.


I’ve got my fingers crossed hard for you.

Really does feel like such an easy addition to make, so I’m really hoping it’s in the cards for those of you that want it.

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Thank you I hope so too! It would be nice to even out the fact Void Elves now get Void and the full range of the BE diverse options. Blood Elves have that and then could get undead, and it fits with what they said about player agency and Golden eyes back when they first commented on that and allowing you to choose if you want to be cleansed by the Sunwell or not. Very easy to just add them and allow players the choice to be undead or not, and of course where we get our stories from there.

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I hope they give this.

This is awesome and people have been requesting this for years! Thanks Blizzard you’ve made the right decision!


Cracks nuckles

Just you wait until I have shattering throw again, knife ears. I’ll make Lord Garithos look like a joke.

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Too busy dancing on your corpse during wings.

Don’t make me put you all in corners. Behave!


Yes ma’am…

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But why would I do that? All the voices in my head tell me to do the opposite.

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Angry people matter you know

Night Elves matter the very most. And they have the most anger for Sylvanas.

If shattering through is a cast, and is also interruptable, my Orc warrior will be pretty disappointed. I honestly forgot how it used to be back in Wotlk when I last used it, aside from it being a ~2 seconds cast.

Vengeance for Teldrassil!

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Soon… (But with another eye color)


I got you fam.