New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I laughed, then stopped laughing, because this would certainly happen.




This is one of the best ideas I have seen Sara!!

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The Lightforged/Light-Affiliated deep dive was one of the two others that jumped to mind immediately, itā€™s definitely an easy angle to expand on (theyā€™ve already started with the golden eyes, so just go further in that direction, I think itā€™s an easy sell).

It would be kind of neat if there were flourishes and/or aesthetics notes to come out of the Bastion aesthetics for that, maybe.

I would be all for them taking the animated hair tech they used for the Void Elves and re-skinning/re-theming them to some kind of light-flavored ethereal/angelic look. I think that would make for some good counterpart options to the Void stuff for sure.

Exacitor, please do not give the devs any ideas towards Diablo. I want to play World of Warcraft, not World of Diablocraft.

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I moved my mage over from being a BE, and I forgot how much I love mages I hadnā€™t played him in a long time. He will be my High Elf wayfarer who has gone to follow Alleria!

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More options is good for everyone. I thought you were all for more customization options?

Only toon I am planning to keep as a Void Elf is my Void Elf Palavoid. The rest are going to be Alliance High Elves.

Void elves dont have a paladin option?

Not when it comes to Diablo. Though, there is actually some nice ideas from Diablo and other games out there that would fit every race nice in terms of customisations.

Void Elves donā€™t have a what option?

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Its not any different than them being inspired by DnD to create WoW. Disliking it purely because the idea came from Diablo is just being biased.

Says level 120 Void elf Fury Warrior.

My mage will be my Alliance High Elf. But my priest will use the customizations too but I want him to still have the backstory of being a former Blood Elf, which we also see Silvermoon Scholars in the rift or what ever the NPCs are labeled as.

If we get the undead BE skins my warlock will use them! If not I will be very disappointed but I will keep using my golden eyes as he was studying the light before he switched paths to using Fel.

I imagine a great many people who like hunters will be making their Ranger types too! (For HEs that is)

I dunno, Blizz likes to borrow from itself across the board. I donā€™t think WoW needs to go completely into the grimdark aesthetic that Diablo uses, but that doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t take some design cues from it when coming up with more option ideas for people.

That seriesā€™ take on the angelic aesthetic would add some neat light-based flavor variants that WoW currently isnā€™t making a ton of use of. Iā€™m all for it.

Shhh. That is what it has to say. But it is a Palavoid. Of Light and Shadow, Iā€™ll deal double the justice to my enemies.

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Light and Void canā€™t exist without obliterating each other. <_<
You also, do not have wings.

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Thatā€™s because I donā€™t need Red Bull.

Paladins dont use red bull. We simply shout ā€œCRUSADE!ā€ and obliterate void elves.

I do like the idea of a former paladin turned ā€œRiftbladeā€ (Warrior) from an RP perspective. Thereā€™s a lot of story milage to be gotten out of that.


Oh, bring it. I dare you.

I donā€™t have a moral compass for PvP. Prepare for the hammer.