New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

The Antorus Normal Paladin gear is awesome for elves.
You can get look-alikes in the raid and Argus world bosses that work on any class.

Antorus will be easy to farm in Shadowland.

Edit: (I also cited the PvP version, but it’s Paladin-only, forget it… :frowning: )


The PVP dark shore set is good for mail! We will be able to buy that from vendors in Shadowlands!

It’s probably good for plate too.

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A pity the elite versions are not available anymore, they were really awesome.

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I know it’s so sad… if I could go back in time and get them I would.

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When Liadrin is leading the Arathi Warfront there a Black and Red version of this set on the elves that I very much want.

Yeah, but it’s unavailable to players. :frowning:

I need more Black and red plate in general.


where is BElf purple eyes customisation? dont make it NPC only!


Agreed Purple and Red eyes need to be playable for Elves.


It is criminal how few sets there are in the game that fit the “Blood Knight” aesthetic. It’s a color palette that looks really good, too, so you’d think there would be more gear that utilizes the look, but nope, only a small handful.

Red/Black/Gold plate set for the next Trial of Style please, Blizz?


There’s no reason to deny it to players. Brown would be nice as well.

My Blood Elf DK is undead and still has the same racials. Undead skins would be the same thing.


I think we’ll just have to wait and see what they’ve got planned.

It looks like they are trying to be as thoughtful as possible about the new options.

Hopefully everyone gets what they want. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This is the raw power of logic people!


Just gonna post this here on the US Forums

Many people are pointing out that some allied races feel lacking in terms of customization. Others are saying that whatever additional customization we are given for the core races in Shadowlands, it won’t be as cool as getting a proper allied race and we are just going to be the same Bronzebeard dwarves and Darkspear trolls as always.

So here’s hope Blizzard can possibly consider the addition of some kind of optional templates and related demonyms within the new character customization screen.

The assumption is that they could easily code in the game an alternate sub-race name (demonym) and tie it to a specific/different racial traits when a character is rolled with a certain selection of visual parameters, the same way they make certain visual options available to only certain classes.

Or, an alternate demonym and/or racial skill could be picked as an option when having selected certain specific visuals (tattoos for Dwarves, skin colors for Trolls, etc)

It would go like:

Click 1: Choose your faction

  • Alliance
  • Horde

Click 2: Choose your race

  • Human
  • Dwarf
  • Night Elf
  • Gnome
  • Draenei
  • Worgen
  • Pandaren

Click 3: Choose your class

Click 4: Customize!

  • On the left: Templates ( defaulted to NONE with all features available )
  • On the right: Customization (as it is now)

e.g. of Templates for Dwarves

  • none (default)
  • Bronzebeard
  • Wildhammer
  • Dark Iron

e.g. of Templates for Trolls

  • none (default)
  • Farakki “Sand” Troll
  • Revantusk “Forest” Troll
  • Darkspear “jungle” Troll

Customization screen mock-ups by Moira (thanks!)

Obviously we’d also still have the RANDOMIZE button, which would behave differently if an optional template is selected.

So, like, do you want a real quick way to look like a Wildhammer Dwarf?
Select the Wildhammer template in the left, hit randomize and BOOM there ya go.

I know this is rather unlikely to happen, but I am hoping the dev team can at the very least consider it based on the fact that unless the UI tooltip and NPCs refer to the player using a tribe/clan/subrace name, the game community is unlikely to acknowledge them, hence one of the coolest new features from Shadowlands risks turning into player disappointment for a missed a chance to have a proper allied race. :disappointed:

Which brings the logical question…

What new demonym and template would YOU like to get for your race?

P.S. There was some speculation about this from a dataminer on Twitter .
So while I realize this is most likely wishful thinking… PLEASE MAKE IT REAL…?

And thanks for reading.



Most of it is locked behind the Level 60 Paladin set on the Horde which require so many hoops to jump thru just to unlock but is Paladin only…

Yeah. It’s unfortunate.

If you’re the kind of person who likes to try to piece together your own set rather than wearing full premade gear sets, it’s even more limited. There’s just not a lot of disparate gear pieces that use that color palette that look like they actually go together.

Shadows, this is due to gameplay limitations in coding. DK’s are also a type of undead.

Genuinely curious here, not trying to be a brat - what kinds of new unique theming and/or options would you like to see added to Blood Elves, then?

I can think of a few different angles they could take for exploring new options (Dark Ranger-types was the most obvious, admittedly, but there’s at least two other avenues I could think to dive deeper into off the top of my head), but I am curious what might be on your wishlist.

For blood elves specifically?
I wouldn’t go for the undead look since that is a more specific customization towards DK’s and the like.

They could try and go the fel corruption direction, but they spent so much time in TBC getting away from it that it would just drag them backwards.
Alternatively, they could go full light forged blood elf look and emphasize their identity as being complete opposites to void elves.

I’d want light tentacles to add onto it <.<

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(Humor): Phrase the request more like, “I’d like my Blood Elf to have Light tentacles like the wings on Angels in Diablo 3,” and the Devs would probably go, “You had me at Diablo 3.”