New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Ah Oxhorn.

I’d been watching his Fallout videos for a few years, and then realized he did this stuff way back when.

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So why would you go Horde?

What kind of ridiculous question is that? Horde is the cool kids club, and that isn’t going to change because Alliance can make elves that look rather like those found on Horde.

It seems many people don’t seem to quite grasp the appeal of FACTIONS.

50% of Horde players are Blood Elves; and after Shadowlands launches 50% of players will still be Blood Elves. Why, because if they want to be pretty and Horde that’s what they pick.

You know there are actually many reasons why it makes sense to have normal looking Thalassian Elves on Alliance? I’m not going to trot them out for the millionth time either because I myself have stated them almost as much on this thread alone.

The sky didn’t fall in when Void Elves were added, and they won’t when these skin tones are. They’ve already added in the major thing, as in the Thalassian Elf model on Alliance.

It makes no difference that they weren’t playable on Alliance either before, because the fact they were there and constantly represented in the story makes them obvious playable race material. I mean do you want to pretend there’s something comparable in say Humans often being main characters on the Horde?

There are VERY sensible and understandable reasons why people want High Elves on Alliance. They were denied the direct option, and it isn’t ‘stealing’, it isn’t ‘begging’ and it isn’t somehow compromising Blood Elves.

Given all this I think yes, people like you are just being mean spirited. You are losing so little yet you want to fight against people who will gain so much.

… and so little, that it’s hard to really argue you are losing anything. Losing the unique fact that Horde elves are the only ones with normal skin tones-- oh what a terrible loss how will you still be able to play?


I’m not quite brave enough to put “The Captain’s Wife’s Lament” here. so

i had never heard that before. lol /washes ears

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<3 weird al.

So, everyone, what are you gonna roll on your Void High Elves?


Hunter and Mage!!!

Probably a priest at some point too, but I’m focusing on the Hunter first.

I just need to win 4 more RBGs to unlock the artifact tint I need for my transmog. :sob: It’s just pretty much impossible to do this late in the expansion where I haven’t been playing for most of BFA.


A warrior, like this guy here. I already have 3-4 Velves at the cap or above level 110, but I’m going to level another one with the new customization options :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll probably roll with a transmog like that for the lols. I can’t wait to see what my Velves are going to look like with the normal skin and (possibly) hair options.



I’m not even getting into this. I’m going home.

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I love that so much. It’s hard to believe that we’re finally going to be able to play convincingly as high elves. Total dream come true.

I’ll probably have a total Alliance / Stormwind set I use too. :sweat_smile:


I really want to make a SC plate transmog, but I wouldn’t even know where to begin.

I’ve seen some amazing transmog ideas in this thread here, and all I have to say is that I’m jealous af of what you guys have come up with.

I came up with a suggestion on transmogs to have transmog appearances within factions that represent the faction if exalted. Virtually like Tabards.

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