But seriously, I posted since the beginning that it would be better if high elves and void elves integrated their societies. Doesn’t mean they’d all be converted, but their lore would be tied together from then on.
It looks like they are integrating regardless. That makes sense since they share history, culture, and goals. If some decide to join the dark…I mean void side, even better.
But yes, if they are creating new Void Elves and some of the recruits were High Elves initially, then you’ve got your true Alliance High Elves.
Problem is that ear size has a lot of half-elf fantasy in it. And, you know, half-elves are also half-humans… And high elves are infamous for making them.
High elf ladies have purple eyes.
High elf lads have teal eyes.
I think the purple eyes are an update of the old high elf female eye. While the devs kept the males with a teal color similar the old one. If that’s the case, I think they should change everyone for purple to make high elves instantly reckognizable.