New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Also, there is lore that dwarves have been paladins for almost as long.

This is actually kind of a neat idea. Definitely a more “void corrupted” customization, and also would be a step towards giving the ethereal look that I know some people want (I realize the preferred option there would be a full race, but I’m skeptical that we’re even going to see any new ARs at this point).

I don’t know how difficult to implement something like this would be in exactly those terms, but maybe some “permanent Entropic Embrace” spots on the body or body parts (arms/legs/hands/whatever), whether it was animated or just a flat color could be a neat way to communicate that same idea visually.

Reminds me of the player mock-ups where the arms and legs were where the purple corruption look was.

oh thanks. well, it wouldnt go above the neck, that way we could retain our elf look and maybe there’d be a limit too how many you could have at the same time. like either arms, or legs or torso and legs but not all 3 at once. by torso i mean the chest and abdomen. just trying to imagine how the non mog areas would work.

the glowy bits inside the bandages could be different colors for customization, like in game ethereals have.

I wouldn’t have an issue with worgen forms being more flexible. We see Genn fight Nathanos and he only transforms when he’s mad enough. So keep the toggle but if someone is in human form and they start fighting a mob have an enrage timer of sorts. If they beat the timer they don’t transform, if not they do. It would be a nice bit of flavor and probably nice for those who rp that they are ashamed of the curse.

Though with the updates to worgen forms I might actually make one and leave her in wolfy form.


Personally, I think worgen should only transform when they take damage. If you manage to remain in combat without any damage, you’d remain human.

Talking about Worgen, I’m eager to see their customization. I want to see if we will indeed be able to customize each form separately. Imagine all the new human options for your human form, and make each form how you envision it! And the new skins are so awesome!


That would also be a good option for them! I like what we’ve seen for them so far, and I do hope each form can be customized individually.


Blizzard has always kept the distinction between Sin’dorei and Alliance Quel’dorei in all fairness people cant really complain about something that’s always been there just not playable like the Quel’dorei. The Alliance Quel’dorei should be made playable exactly the way they are in the game not a another experiment of Ren’dorei, But I do understand using the Ren’dorei model for resource purposes but the Alliance Needs and Should be allowed to play a High Elf that looks exactly what been there this whole time. But this is a good step in the right direction I give the devs credit for that.


I like the idea of worgen not transforming until brought down to half health


I’ve supported & stated in these forums the idea of all Alliance High Elves not Sin’dorei under one banner seems the direction they are headed. I also feel they need to do it right or its going feel like another hollow attempted compromise. Like the Ren’dorei was.

Not tryin’ to bash anyone, but I legit cannot wrap my brain 'round why anyone would pick Worgen
 and then not want to be in Worgen form. Like, that’s the entire point of the race.

I made a Worgen Warlock last night and the moment it gave me Two Forms, I threw it off my bars. Why would I want to be a puny human when I’m a beastly werewolf?

Again, I’m not bashin’ anyone. Y’all do your thing. I just don’t get it.


I take it that people would enjoy the fantasy of trying to “control the beast.” Not that they’d never transform, just the extra added fantasy of being a human with lycanthropy

After all, what’s the point of having two forms if the human side never gets used?


The thing is, with worgen you can chose to play as a ‘‘regular’’ human. that’s not the case with void elves. Blizzard chose to make non-voidy void elves our playable high elves. That’s the approach they took, we’re just trying to make the ‘‘compromise’’ more tasteful


Some people take worgen because they like the idea of the dual forms rather than just the wolf form, and would like to have more control over the transformation.

Maybe even that could be a customization option.

  • On combat
  • On taking damage from an attack
  • At half health

Plus a toggle to autotransform back to human upon exiting combat.


I guess, it’s just not for me. I rolled a Worgen ‘cuz I want to be a big, beastly werewolf instead of a puny lil’ human. Still doesn’t make sense to me. But y’all do your thing. Has not effect on me beyond I just don’t get the appeal.

If the guards didn’t try to kill me, I’d spam werewolf form in Skyrim all the time.


It’s about whether or not your worgen accepts the curse or not.

If they’re trying to resist it it can take a rper out of their happy place. Lol.

If not it’s not a big deal.

I like Avarie’s idea.

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Maybe a rage buff sort of thing that starts and transforms the character I like it!


A stackable buff in human form would be cool. Like, say if you attack or are hit, you gain a stack. Hit, say, 10-15 stacks and you automatically transform into the Worgen form. Or you can just toggle it on manually.

That way even healers or DPS characters in dungeons, raids, PvP etc will transform, which keeps the Worgen form the ‘main’ form, but for flavour stuff or solo content you can largely stick stick to human form if you want to.

Though I’d also add a cooldown so that you can’t transform back into human for, say 2 minutes for PvP purposes and the like to reinforce the Worgen as the primary combat form.


I think Worgen should have the ability to be in combat while still in Human form, but make it like a slight Damage Decrease though, depending on level.


I love anything that gives rpers more options for their characters.


I like most of the ideas. The only one I don’t like is the hair colors. Honestly, adding colors for the Velfs hair like black or white would be ok, but blonde or red
 I don’t know, just doesn’t feel right. Someone in this tread posted some pics of how that would look, and it felt so hideous and wrong. Right know I’m farming reputation with Argussian Reach so I can make a Velf, and honestly, I would like for the race as a whole to remain different to the Blood Elves.
Don’t think I like much red eyes for Belfs either, but I guess that bothers me less.
Adding on that, PLEASE, LET VELFS (and BELFS, and pretty much everybody) BE BALD!!! There was a bald option on for Velfs on PTR, it was awesome!