New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I have to agree on the bald option. Pretty much every race and every gender should have the option for it IMO.


Bald should be an option for everyone.


Blizzard, having the option to make one of my Void Elf’s eyes be blind would be really appreciated. :eyes:

Battle damage should be another thing EVERY race gets.

What? You want to steal ANOTHER blood elf feature? :laughing:


I would ask for black eyes, but I’m not sure Night Elves would appreciate that.

I know it would go over like a lead balloon, but the nightwarrior (they need a new elven or at least less 80s name for that) eyes would be awesome on a void elf.

I think void elves should have some inverted-color eyes (black schlera, dark color pupils). Like red/black, blue/black, violet/black and so on.



I’m not opposed to other races getting black eyes. My monk has her fists ready to hand them out.


Love all the options! Now just give me some green hair dye for my Belf and other hair color options I’d be happy!


Why green?

/punches you in the eyes

There you go, now you got black eyes :stuck_out_tongue:


I dunno. That looks like some San’layn stuff there.


Real talk, the eye textures are probably one of the easiest ways to show a creepier/“darker” aesthetic, and I’m not sure why the “dark” character options didn’t already take more advantage of that.

This would be great, as would the N’Zoth/Azshara style eye textures that another of the fan mock-ups made use of. Maybe in whatever winds up being the “second wave” of customization options we might see more of that kind of thing.


Well played! :rofl:


In all seriousness, I think it’s a look that could be explained for other races easily enough. Void elves having black eyes would be a no brainer to explain. Also while I am a huge nelf fan, them getting this look first doesn’t mean it should be exclusive to them.


a blood elf is a high elf. arguing that they arent is like arguing the earth is flat. would you like a lore citation or a developer calling blood elves high elves

rommath is wearing tattoos. the box art for TBC expansion features a blood elf with tattoos. allerias tattoos are farstrider tattoos. this culture is part of the blood elves(high elves). if void elves get tattoos they should reflect the void and the new theme void elves are embracing not a part of one of the 3 pillars of the elven military that defends quel’thalas

if people want to play a proper high elf they still have to come to the horde. simple as that. otherwise enjoy a void elf that bleeds blue, has an alien voice, still loses control in combat and enters a complete void state and calls a rock in the twisting nether with some pitched tents their home

a void elf now can look like a blood elf(high elf), minus natural hair color, but is not a blood elf(high elf). and its a real shame that void elves will now flood the alliance and we will end up with world of elfcraft. the same elves you people have been saying ‘well void elves are just blood elves’ for the last 3 years are now accepted. proving it was always about the light skin elf aesthetic. at least blizzard never validated all the gaslighting and let you play an elf that said ‘high elf’ beneath your name. they just gave void elves blood elf skin tones so blood elves will always be the true high elves and that makes me happy


Well, I agree with this. These races ARE different, and should be portrayed as such.

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I don’t necessarily agree with your other suggestions, but I’m all for this tbh.

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Yet you very well know that what people are requesting are the high elves that still identify solely as high elves. And yes, I would like you to show me any character in game calling a blood elf “fellow high elf” or “lor’themar, leader of the high elves”. Until then just stop being obnoxious.

And guess what, she leads the void elves. Making them ideally 1st in line for tattoos. I am not against blood elves getting tattoos though because I have better things to do than to spite people for no reason.

Dear lord…no one is this petty, no one.
What you’re referring to are the blood elves(blood elf), the elves being requested are not blood elves(blood elf), they are high elves(high elf) who never became blood elves(blood elf).

Wow look I can do that too, at least I know how to do it properly. I can also start spamming void elf(high elf) if that’s what you consider semi-coherent.

Ok awesome! Have fun pretending to be a high elf on your blood elf! Thats fine. But don’t be a massive hypocrite to others who want to pretend to be a high elf on their void elves just like you’re doing.
You’re allowed to be happy with your blue eyed blood elves without throwing shade at void elf players who are EXACTLY like you, and want to RP being a high elf.
This weird unecessary superiority complex you feel like you thrive off regarding people not playing the “real” high elves is deeply disturbing. Especially considering you’re not even playing a real high elf.

And asking for a 10s racial proc to be hidden (as most racials are) will not somehow ruin your blood elf’s high elf RP, that makes absolutely no sense logically. Stop. Being. Spiteful.