New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Wasn’t blood elves looking at the farstriders with disdain of recent and looked at the blood knights as they’re saving grace? Or was that only in BC that they did?


I hope they add more natural hair colors and hairstyles, but the hair color i want more is white. I Love white hair for elves.


I think white hair will work well with void elves actually. I would also like some hair styles that would have avoid glow to them similer to the dark iron dwarves.


Same difference.

When your race loses all of its uniqueness and the people who are getting everything handed to them on a silver platter demand even more on top of it, it leaves a really bad taste.

Give people an inch and they take fifty miles. They want their blode hair blue eyes pure ar elf fantasy and they don’t care who or what they water down in the process.

I’d like to have Sin’dorei keep a substantial amount of unique elements. This is in conflict with people who want everything including Silvermoon and the kitchen sink as a customization for their high elves.


Pretty sure that was only BC. I’m pretty sure Farstriders are a part of the Sin’dorei identity.


Not saying it isn’t, but the blood elves are less focused on it then the silver covenent is isn’t it?

Not really. We see Lor’themar with Farstriders in Nazjatar.


Ah I did not know that. Thank you for informing me.


Farstriders are what the SC was based on though so not just a belf thing.

Also given the hunters among the Velfs they likely have farstrider origins before their exile.


I don’t know anything about the silver covenant I don’t see the appeal of the blonde hair blue eyed elf fantasy. I know that lorewise they should not have had as much of a presence as they did. The whole population is supposed to be so small and yet they’re somehow able to field an army? It doesn’t make any sense therefore I tend to overlook it because it doesn’t make any sense.

I know Sin’dorei stuff. One of my RP staples is playing Farstriders.

I wouldn’t say Sin’dorei are less focused on it—you know the whole Regent Lord being a Farstrider and one of his three counsel members being a Farstrider. If they were really irrelevant wouldn’t that stuff not exist?

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Most of those that left qual’thalas was farstraders in alleria’s army. So it would make sense.

It is indeed funny. It’s even funnier when you know the first void elves that was available was only 13 people strong. It’s even fuzzier with that lol!

Except you know she hasn’t been around for years. There may be a few people that are still loyal to her from Warcraft 2 or whatever, but you know there’s a lot of stuff that has happened since then. Like 90% of the population being wiped out by a zombie apocalypse.

The number of all the Farstriders who went with her (after 90% were wiped out) and betrayed their people must be statistically insignificant.

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that is to assume all her remaining army returned to silvermoon. I don’t think all of them did.

After serving alongside the Alliance for so long many of Alleria’s forces that went to Outland (draenor at the time) are probably loyal to the Alliance and not just Alleria herself. They did not rejoin their brethren during BC and served with the Alliance.

As Greatbrae says most of them would have been Farstriders.


Well, I’m pro Blood and Void Elf. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


What would they be if they did the fusion dance?

Void blood elves.

The final incarnation.


They already are. :upside_down_face:

I was thinking the “supreme elf” ( DBZ referenece of “supreme kai”)

But he got me with that pun lmao.