New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Well I loved it.


Forgive me Zareem… I had to give Exacitor’s post a :heart: because it was just too darn amusing

I don’t know why you’d apologize to me. I don’t mind. I didn’t even dislike it. I was just giving thought to how someone else might take it since he does try to be a for genuinely nice person, I think.

Like I said earlier, this is just gaming discussion for fun. I can’t really think of anything that could be said on here that would offend me. I mean, at the very least, if it was something truly bad, I’d just flag the post and mute the user.


I know I just get where you’re coming from and can see your point on how some could feel like their concerns are being made light of.

You’re a good elf Nic.

If you decide to go helf, I will refer to you as such. Even on here.


He he I plan to use one of the new skins and possibly hair colors if offered (ideally white hair). But I’ll still consider myself a Void Elf on this character. My warlock too (he’s not getting changed at all)

My priest though… definitely going to lean hard into the High Elf with the new skin and blue eyes (and blonde hair if it becomes available).

I am eagerly anticipating the next alpha build and also next weeks livestream.

I find it hard to concentrate on anything else in game right now! I need to know what’s happening! :joy:


Yea same. I want to check out the new customization, but… I’m probably going to keep at least most of the void stuff.

Like I said, I’d really like a normal hue skin but with like void tats/lines running around and stuff like that.

Also, purple eyes… that should happen.


Purple eyes are a go already! While a bit hard to make out they are featured in the teaser!

homer Simpson woohoo noises

Hey, sorry for the delay in response (work demanded my attention for a bit, lol), and apologies if this largely moved on from here, but wanted to get back around to this since I do worry I came off as a bit more hostile than intended.

I totally get where you’re coming from here. I completely understand wanting to see the Void end of the Void Elves fleshed out some more (believe it or not I really do also want this, both from a story progression and customization side) and worrying that won’t be coming now that the “high elf” customizations have been confirmed.

I think there’s still room for this, possibly even within this first wave of new additions (it depends a lot on how much they’re walking back the “no changes for Allied Races yet” thing). It’s possible that these updates are coming now because they’re relatively easy to port over since they were already in there doing that for Blood Elves and they’re not intending anything else just yet - if that’s the case there’s a strong possibility that some more “creative” extra options that lean more in the Void Elf theming could come in whenever a “second wave” of customization options happens for the ARs that aren’t getting much right now.

With that said, I think you’ll find you’ll get much more milage out of constructively requesting those options that you hope to see, rather than stressing about the ones other people are asking for that you’re not crazy about. You may not get everyone in this thread jumping on board for your ideas, but you might be surprised how many people in here would be totally open to discussing more Void-y additions, provided it’s not coming paired with negativity over what other things are being asked for. “More flies with honey”, as it were.

Someone else said it earlier in this thread, but requests for things to not be added to this game tend to have a bad track record and largely don’t wind up being seen as very endearing or garnering much sympathy. If what you want to see for Void Elves is more things that highlight their dark and Void-y nature, by all means fight as hard as you can for that. You’ll have my respect for it regardless of whether or not I’m in love with the options you’re looking for (and tbh it’s hard to find a customization idea I’m not in board with adding even if I don’t give half a crap about it myself).

I realize it can be frustrating seeing people asking for ridiculous things like changing the name of the race or taking Silvermoon as a capital or whatever. But Blizz isn’t dumb, they also know those are silly unrealistic requests, and have pretty much zero chance of being taken seriously. Let people make whatever silly threads they want, they’re largely harmless and will spin their wheels going nowhere because anyone looking at it reasonably will know out of hand that it’s not a realistic request.

Anywho, apologies if this is largely irrelevant at this point, I haven’t caught up with the rest of the thread yet, but wanted to make sure you got a more sympathetic take from me. :heart:


Nah, we’re cool. you have a lot here so I’m not going to respond to everything.

I appreciate you taking the time to think about my concerns. They have soften today. I was in a bad mood this morning. So I was more combative then I needed to be.

At this time, I don’t mind sharing. Blizz should come out and make it official canon if that’s their plan rather than some npcs and some skin tone changes.

But yea, as long as the void elf stuff stays/continues coming out as well as some helf stuff. I’m on board again.

(Honestly, I was more ignored at having my position ignored/mutated into something else by the more … “passionate” members of the fandom and used as a kind of anti helf paintbrush)

(PS I think I ran out of likes for the day, but have like 10 more.)


If I could magically wave a wand and get my fellow elf-enthusiasts on both sides (myself included) to change just one thing about the way this whole thing has been approached it would be to do away with the whole “pros” and “antis” framing. It’s done nothing but enable more tribalism on something that’s already been prone to polarization, and kind of dismisses or erases any nuance or middle ground from the whole thing, and just feeds into an “all or nothing” mentality on both ends that doesn’t really help anyone.

It sucks and I’m sorry you got caught up in it.


Meh, I don’t mind really. I’m an old man of the sea xD

Nah, thank you for your kind words. I’ve come around to being mostly a helf ally at this point. There’s plenty of love for all types of rp and wants

(Still out of likes, but have i dunno…40 billion. That sounds like a fair number)


I didn’t answer your question because your question had absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

You’re comparing apples to oranges.

Ask humans if they would feel slighted if Horde got green humans and then got all of the features that Alliance humans have and more. Spoiler: They would complain about Horde Bias.


So you’re saying you feel slighted, not that your Blood Elf is less fun to play?

Hmmm… Thunder isle anyone?

I don’t think it’s possible to change someone’s perspective if that’s the angle they come at the discussion from. No one at Blizzard is going to take that type of feedback seriously. People act like there’s a written and oral test to roll a certain race.

PS: I saw your comment about the purple eyed void elf in the preview, she’s actually my fav.


Give them an inch they take a mile.

Farstriders are Sin’dorei military.

:clap: Keep What Little Remains of Blood Elf Uniqueness Unique :clap:


High elves have that too… Cause they were once the same.

Ignoring that, Void elves came from Blood elves…

Makes fine sense for both (all three?) groups of thalassian elves to have those.