New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Well I seem to have misread your statement as structuring your argument by deconstructing the opposition first, and apparently you meant it as you think this too. I do not think you should invalidate the requests of other players.

Even if the Dark Ranger request didn’t go back to (speaking for myself only) Catacylsm, it would still be valid because why should an AR have more of its wants delivered during core race customization roll outs, when the core BE race does not.

So like Fezzy said, it was VEs who are included as a courtesy during this current period. So even if the request was new it would still be valid because Blood Elves should have two themes to draw from, and especially a long asked one such as this.

And I do believe and hope it’s being set up as such with the Dark Rangers in Orgrimmar staying behind with their loyalty to the Horde first and foremost. The added customization would be a lot like current VE customization possibly dealing with the wayfarers etc.


I would definitely like to air caution to those waiting on the voidelf customizations. I wouldn’t expect them to release the customizations until 9.1 or so, along with the other allied race customizations. Possibly, who knows, blizz might have a good day and release all customizations at pre-patch?


I agree especially with the ones who want more now. I have been active in many threads for core race customizations, this one happens to pertain to my two favorites, but I will be feeling some type of way if BEs don’t get a second theme like Dark Rangers and other good stuff, because they said ARs will come later so it would feel like BEs are being let down in this regard.

We shall have to wait and see! I will continue to campaign for BE customization since it’s imo the time to do so most during core race customization stuff being worked on first.

My only most urgent want for VEs personally is lore explicitly confirming the wayfarers as new recruits, and I think that should be easy to do, so I do hope for that in the immediate future anyways.


I have a feeling more is to come, The blood elves were some of the first to be datamined for their customizations, and have so far received a fair amount. There is always the chance though that it’s not as in depth as what blizz said at blizzcon.

At the very least, the eyebrows need to be customizable, and maybe tattoos. More new hairstyles for each race. Feels like they arbitrarily added 3-4 per race and called it good.


People have been asking for either Dark Rangers or some type of Undead Elf since Vanilla. Even early request for Forsaken getting pointy ears.

It’s only kicked into high gear now because it’s been shown to be possible.

And yes, there are threads formally requesting it.

It didn’t get a big Allied Race request because they didn’t make much sense as a race separate from Blood Elves or Forsaken compared to San’layn.

Now it is literally the easiest request to follow because all the lore, textures and files are already there. They just have to flag them for player use.

San’layn need a bit more, mainly lore and any combo of Fangs/Ears/Claws. But they are both possible for either a customization or a separate race. Possibly through some interaction with Venthyr or Kael’thas.


On a completely separate note. Someone made a thread for “Voidier Void Elves” as options so I figured I would link it here.


I don’t think it would be all that bad for voidier options, i mean they are void elves. I just hope they make room for both. Like a corruption slider maybe. I’d be good with no visual corruption effects whatsoever, but some people seem to dig it.


I still don’t see how Dark Rangers/San’layn would fit in the Blood Elf race itself lore wise. Is there anything from official Lore that confirms them existing within Quel’thalas right now? Legit question.

The Dark Rangers were exclusively among the Forsaken or Sylvanas’ own troops. The San’layn were Kael’thas followers who died and were raised by Arthas to serve the scourge (again, not among the Horde Blood Elves), then some were allowed to join the horde in BFA, but were shortly killed off after(?)

If those are ever to happen (if there are some that survived somewhere), they should be their own AR with unique voice overs, areas, etc. Having them just be listed under Blood Elves would not sit right with the current Blood Elves (post restoration of the Sunwell).

This is why I’d probably rather Dark Rangers as a model toggle for Undead, but I think that’s less likely to be implemented.

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Sylvanas always saw Quel’thalas as her home, that’s where she says goodbye to loyalists. The Dark Ranger customization has the citation of Dark Rangers staying Horde, the customization is long asked and that is what customizations are supposed to be doing to my knowledge giving long requested things to players to allow player agency.

Where you are trying to justify the Dark Ranger theme is the problem. It’s a second distinct theme, it sounds like you’re arguing for more similar and same themes. Void and HE are distinctly different yet somehow fit. Dark Rangers are Horde, we know the Elven Rangers don’t identify with the Forsaken because the recently made NEs leave, the BE Rangers seem to stick together as well, and the point is a second distinct theme that fits BEs. Are Blood Elves not Horde? Were many not loyalists? You’re trying to justify what Blizzard is calling player agency, and player agency is the foundation for the validity of this request.

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It probably is less likely to happen, but I’d say either do Dark Rangers/San’layn right, and without making Blood Elves lore breaking compromises for it, or don’t do them at all.

That’s irrelevant because Sylvanas and her Rangers are no longer Blood Elves, they were Forsaken, and no longer live among Blood Elves. Just because Sylvanas escaped to her family’s abandoned home for the short duration between end of the fourth war and Shadowlands, does not mean she officially lives there, nor that she’s accepted by Blood Elves of Quel’Thalas.

Yes. Dark Rangers exist/exited among the Horde, yet they did not exist nor were labeled Blood Elves at any point. They don’t identify with Quel’thalas nor live there. The requests are valid and I’ve not said they aren’t, but as their own AR or within Forsaken where they’ve always belonged, because that is where their Lore is right now. Player agency is not an excuse to break the lore.

Where does it say that Void and High elves fit within the same race? I don’t see “High Elves” listed under “Void elves” by labels, in the same way you’re suggesting UNDEAD dark rangers to be listed under blood elves. Sorry but yours is just not a good analogy. The same applies to San’layn of course, they don’t fit in the same current Blood elves of Quel’thalas race, but can exist as it’s own thing within the hrode, for sure.

They worked together within the Horde and under the ex Warchief’s command, it does not mean they’re the same race, and it does not mean they’d be welcome in Quel’thalas (until we see it officially mentioned). They’re living Elves vs Undead Elves.

Player agency does not, and should not be a priority over official lore. For the 3rd time: Dark Rangers should exist as their own separate thing because people want them, but if instead they were to ever be mixed with a race, they would fit the Forsaken way more than any other, because that’s where they stayed and operated all this time.

I’m all for different Blood Elf themes, if they actually fit within their current established lore. Blood Elves don’t have undead citizens within Quel’thalas, and they don’t undead vampires either.

Yet newly created Night Elves collectively identify with each other, and don’t stay with the Forsaken so the idea the Elves are Forsaken first like the other Forsaken isn’t solid, and moot if Blizzard decides to add in this long requested customization for BE fans who want it.

As in, until this point no one was able to play a wayfarer backgrounded VE, now they can.

Up until this point no one can play those Undead BE Dark Rangers, now people would like to be able to do so as well.

Blizzard has always written the lore to fit the direction, not chosen the direction constrained by lore. And the Dark Rangers staying Horde opens the customization option up to BE’s as a possibility.

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There is a Dark Ranger in Orgrimmar right now that list the Sin’Dorei as her kin.

Not to mention the entire reason the Blood Elves renamed themselves where the Honor the fallen of Quel’thalas.

Well, the Dark Rangers are some of the fallen.

And they only joined the Horde because of Sylvanas offering them aid and are in close ties with the Forsaken. We also had a Blood Elf who became a Dark Ranger in BFA.

It’s not too much of a stretch to have Dark Rangers become a Blood Elf customization or to have them appear in Silvermoon.

San’layn need a bit more of a set up but given that Death Knights and Demon Hunters are things it’s not much of a thing either.


We do not even need them to appear in Silvermoon, we know per the Thalyssra and Lor’themar novel that our own Regent Lord is spending a lot of time seeing his duties in Orgrimmar as well, or did I get the wrong impression of that?

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You are correct. But it helps it make more sense as a Blood Elf thing.

A Dark Ranger or two in Farstrider Square would be all that’s need to show there are at least some there.

Lore options for customizations aren’t 100% necessary but they are much better than none.

See for me I thought new lore has us all technically in Exiles Reach? Then on to Orgrimmar. The option for the starting zones still being there but not the current state of things?

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That is correct.

But shown integration is very helpful with these types of things.

And will we see all representation of the various Troll groups being added? And so on and so forth? I think the core of it is a group people want to play, and the player agency to do so. The Dark Rangers in Orgrimmar alone enough citation for such implementation.

I agree if San’layn were to come through customization they need more lore, but for Dark Ranger themes I think it is already present enough, the way Wayfarers and new Silvermoon scholars are conveniently there.

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Did the Night Elf accept the undead/risen NE dark rangers among them? Or did they announce listing them under NE as a “subrace”? I’d like a source for both. (I actually want to know this, because last I’ve seen of those NE rangers, is that they went away with Calia somewhere).

Still doesn’t say High Elves are now a sub race of the Void elves. The announcement did not even say High elves/wayfarer. The explanation as to why/how they’re going sharing skin colors with Blood Elves has not yet been yet given, apart from the aesthetic aspect of it.

Sure thing, I support that too, as long as they’re their own thing. People ask for many things, but it doesn’t mean Blizzard should implement them in the way people want. Undead within the same Blood elves race just isn’t lore friendly at all.

The difference is that the race is Troll, so any Troll can theoretically fall under it. Dark Rangers are Thalassians, but they are not Blood Elves.

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