New customizable moonkin form = druids for all races

How is my thread conjecture then if blizz already confirmed it 2 years ago?

Because you’re claiming when they’re going to do it, which is nothing but conjecture. And the new moonkin forms have nothing to do with something everyone knew from two years ago…

All forms are getting a new generic customizable model not just moonkin, the rest are still WIP. The logical conclusion to draw from this is that they will be using the customizable non-racial forms to lift race restrictions.

Honestly, I like this idea more than each race being locked into a specific look…and any solution that gets me into a dwarf druid life is going to be lovely and fine.


I’m looking forward to the random moonkin customization glyph so that I can look different each time I shift. I’d like bear and cat forms to get similar treatment.

I’m one of them, and I don’t even use my original form for anything, I used to once upon a time, also had it randomized. But right now I use Lunarwing/Moth for flight, Cheetah for travel, Ghostpride for cat, dolphin for swim, and the pvp red bear. The only time I use Moose Form is when I use the mount shapeshift, which I have no choice lol.

Noting here that on the latest PTR build there is not a “full transformation” option for any of the Druid forms except for Moonkin – so that you can switch between the Classic Moonkin form and the newer one that is customizable.

Yeah for a minute every form said “full transformation”, guess they probably won’t be getting around to making customizable forms for the others for a while. Was hoping they would just throw them in last minute since it seemed like they were still working on it

I just hope it means that lf draenei druids will soon be reality.

Personally, I would love to see how they work a Pandaran druid.

This is all I need. Wildhammer looking Dwarf Druid. It’s all I want.


Unpopular opinion: all classes for all races is a bad idea. It literally removes distinction. It’s even worse for a class like druid which is highly specialized in belief. :sleepy:


Fair but diversity is a good thing. Also in any society there would be outliers.

I would much rather see interesting characters like a LF warlock than always seeing a human lock.

I agree despite making this thread lol. If it were up to me I’d only expand them to humans, dwarves, void/blood elf (solely because high elves make sense as druids but they’re not a real option currently), probably orc/maghar, and maybe pandaren. Really don’t want to see undead druids everywhere especially if they don’t have their own undead forms and it’s looking like they won’t.

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But like when the heck are we getting night elf paladins? I’ve been waiting for that for what feels like an eternity.

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