New customizable moonkin form = druids for all races

gestures around

every race that can be a druid has their own forms so its not lazy yet. moonkins are lazy since you only get the race form and glyph of the stars compared to all the other forms but atm its not lazy compared to just giving every race druid without having their race specific forms. my math for this was always the middle of next xpac at the earliest with 5 years away from the announcement being the most likely since the art department is carrying this game on their back like always

But …mechagnome druids…my transformers…will they also just be phat featherblobs?

I wanted to be a robot shooting lazerbeams ^^

I am all for making additional classes available to more races but not all of them. As far as the druid class is concerned I could certainly see Humans and Dwarves learning to become Druids and I feel like that’s about it for the Alliance races. That would give us 5 races which I feel is plenty to justify more diversity/options of races that can play Druid and make sense from a lore perspective. The other races just don’t make a lot of sense to have Druid’s. I mean, a Gnome druid? Really? It just feels asinine and inauthentic to me.


I mean technically if gnomes can be warriors…doing the same damage as Tauren warriors I see no problem with Gnome Druids; However, would the animal forms be the same size as the ones for other races or would they be basically…house cat for feral, Bear cub for bear form? Lol.


Why does it matter if it doesn’t make sense? More customization options are always good and to throw away more options for the player base because of lore is stupid.


There are goblin shamans. Goblins, who historically pollute things and extort in the name of profit, as representatives of the Earthen Ring. We also have Lightforged Death Knights and Draenei warlocks. We’re past that point, and races aren’t monoliths. You can certainly have individuals who break the mold.


It is really smart tbh, future proofing the druid class to always be open to new races they add. And they can just sprinkle in new forms here and there to keep us happy

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I’ve changed my mind. I don’t wanna be a blood elf, I wanna be a Vulpera.
(I was shifted by a toy and impressed with the mog/animations honestly)
Their lore also makes perfet sense for Druidism, more so than Gilneans tbh.

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I am inclined to agree with you. So long as the Druid forms and visuals specific to the race look cool I could probably be easily persuaded.

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In TTRPG necromancy it’s not just undead stuff, it’s often the study of the life and death cycle, so there is usually the “standard” necromancer and the “hallowed”, even in some games healing and resurrection spells are classified as necromancy.

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Exactly, I saw that in the newest ptr build all of the old racial forms have been renamed and changed to be “full transformations” much like the full transformation dragon customizations so there will be baseline customizations for all forms and likely random “full transformation” forms added here and there

Ah this makes sence…so they are done uppgrading the old, but you still have them as “full trasnformations” (locking any customisation options), while you can customize the new ones.

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We need a Reworked glyph of the stars or another glyph for balance for us who love the spec but hate moonkin form (or be transparent).

Make a glyph that fuses moonkin with elven form. We can have the base NE model and apply moonkin features like its antlers, feathers to the arms, claws in hads and paws instead of feets.
Turn me into Malfurion! That way people who complain about pvp can rest asure knowing balance players will be recongnizable.


Always wanted that, I doubt it’d ever happen though it’d be a lot of work especially cuz there would have to be different colors and customizations so it would match each race (would be even worse after they open druids to all races). Would be cool if they baked it into the new moonkin customization area though

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The amount of pure conjecture in this thread is astounding.

What exactly is conjecture aside from drawing the obvious conclusion that the release of generic customizable forms will pave the way for all races being druids?

You’re drawing a false equivalence to support this drivel. In short, your entire premise is nothing but conjecture.

I’ll be sure to quote this again and laugh at you when it’s confirmed soon

Blizz said before DF ever even launched they were working on removing race restrictions. Your epiphany is meaningless. Laugh at yourself for telling us something Blizz announced almost two years ago.

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