New Crafting System is just TERRIBLE

Two hours of farming and only enough for 5 Shadow Ink, I really wish if they don’t want us crafting they just take it out of the game.

I use crafting on alts to stay out of the AH. This time around it’s easier to just ignore crafting because time wasted gathering for a few reagents when everything requires piles of them to do anything, it’s beyond stupid.

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You spent two hours farming exact 2 herbs for sole reason not going to AH and buy 5inks worth 150g?
I dont know why you hate AH so much, but at this time everything on AH is at lowest price.

What does my not wanting to use the auction house have to do with the terrible rates when gathering or the amounts needed for the simplest crafting?

Well, you seem frustrated with low gathering rates/high amount needed for crafting and you could have save yourself the trouble and just buy it on AH.
Imo, Blizzard wanted to keep mat prices at higher level than before, not worthless. To achieve that, low drop rates and high mats required is needed.

New players aren’t meant to level their professions to cap in the first few months. The game is intended to take a whole lot of time and effort to max out. Enjoy it for what it is.

And thats why no one is sticking around ah crap this going to take months the heck with that ill go play something that is worth my time. Thats is one of the reason people dont stick around.

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Ah another one of those that worries about new players. By your achievements score, you haven’t been a new player for quite a while. Me too for that matter. Let’s leave the new players to voice their grievances themselves shall we?

Im trying to get friends to play and how are we going to get new players. They bring money to the game and blizzard wants to make money my point is still valid.

Agreed. I don’t even bother with professions anymore which is a bummer because it used to be a fun part of the game for me. For some reason, I haven’t been getting my weekly Tailoring quest since War Within launched and I haven’t even taken the time to figure out why. That’s how much I hate this new system.

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I actually quite like the new crafting system. It gives us the chance to set ourselves apart from our peers by specializing in different things, at least initially.

My guild already had a leatherworker that was proficient at making the armor kits, so I focused into mail crafting to benefit my guildies.

It’s definitely not for everyone, but I’m not sure there’s a middle ground on it.

Considering you’re replying to a thread entitled “New Crafting System is just TERRIBLE” and the participants have self-selected to contribute to this thread, I don’t think you can expect much middle ground viewpoint in the thread lol.

But, but, I can see up to the Leatherworkers saddle.

And there’s a clear line of sight down to the Fisherman’s lake.

I swear I looked around that Tailor’s bush to find a valley somewhere in the distance.

Look, there’s even a finger pointing to the Miner’s mountain top.

Let’s climb that boulder, maybe a Jewelcrafter can prospect some bottom land for another profession or two.

I see you on that Enchanted crest viewing from the high ground.

Will that perennial stream flush out some Alchemists Stones for us?

Oh wait, you probably didn’t mean that type of middle ground.

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I remember when this game used to be fun and an adventure. Now, it all has become a grind. Grind to get end level gear, grind to get rep, now grind to find rare raw materials, and grind to discover or invent new recipes. The spontaneity of discovery has been replaced by the formulaic wowhead guide of bizarre and rare mats needed to discover a recipe to progress in a profession. And the tedium goes on. Perhaps I’ve been playing this game for too many years?

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Tell me something… What prevents you from NOT using the WoWhead guide again?

Why do you think so many players left the game ??? As for me i don’t play tww anymore sold everything and just play older exp on my twinks

Arrogant much? But I guess for some that’s a virtue…

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And roping in the new players IS very often the sign of weak arguments.

Mostly it was done to increase WoW Token sales.


Almost any aspect of the game played competitively will become a gold sink, and therefore a token driver.

But don’t underestimate the power of developers falling in love with their own overcomplicated cleverness.

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