New Crafting System is just TERRIBLE

I will admit I am old-school and used to the old system. I didn’t really play Dragonflight much so didn’t really experience the crafting system there. Now that I am trying to re-join, I am finding the hardest time figuring out this new crafting system. Like crafting should be intuitive. You should not need to watch 10 advanced videos on what to craft and how to craft it in order to get an item crafted that you want. Like you need this much dust, and this much thread from the AH, then come back and place an order for one item, and hope someone fills that order so you can use that item to place an order for another item. Like this is ridiculously complicated. Instead of this system they could have just made more items craftable as BoE’s and available to sell on the AH instead. Why come up with an entirely new super convoluted system that almost no new player could ever hope to figure out on their own?


I am not a new player, neither are you so let’s leave the new players to voice their own grievances. I figured it out on my own the first time around, no videos , just reading. No genius needed, if I can do it, so can you. /pat

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Yeah I hate the new system. It’s literally more of a chore than my IRL career and I remember just exiting the game to continue my WFH because it was less annoying.

Overly complex and tedious, and punishing. Doesn’t match what this game used to be out side of high end pve content. But It’s great for super goblins I guess.


The “/pat” is what really sells the condescension.

In my old-school opinion (crafting since vanilla), the new system adds complexity and choices which can optimize the progression if you choose well, but can also increase costs and reliance on RNG or timegated abilities.

I can work with it, but I’m not always thrilled that it’s now a full-fledged minigame with its own progression and talent system for no material reason, other than that the devs thought it would be cool and count as “content”.


It’s easy to screw up even when fully understanding. Like fully speccing into things that are not profitable or barely profitable, and you can’t respect. That is unless you get all three blue tools which requires AA shuffling which is absurd cheese that most don’t know about.

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Why do you think things are profitable? because most people can’t do them.


I mean… this is the first time ever I’ve been able to have a set of 80 gear crafted before I get to 80, and I’ve been off and on since vanilla. I love the new crafting system. It’s finally useful. Really not hard to learn either. Turn spider webs into cloth, turn cloth into better cloth. Turn cloth or better cloth into bags and armor.


You need Storm Dust, which the game is starved for.
Unless you have a ton of gold to buy from the AH.

You just argued his case.


You don’t need any blue tools to make money.

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I was going for fellow traveler but you read condescension. That’s text for you. It can only go that far. Prefer /gently rocking back and forth with you while singing lullaby? That reads sappy to me.

I’m aware. See. To get storm dust, you do something called disenchant every possible piece of loot you get that you don’t need. Didn’t have to buy a single storm dust or green to disenchant. Got them through playing the game.

See? I can take a simple response and make it snide, also.

Ah, sorry. I suppose I played the odds with how that’s usually meant in these forums, but the odds played me.

The new system itself is fine, the only thing that blows is
The crafting order system because its conceptually broken due to the fact that its tied so closely to progression that the power resides completely in the buys hands not the sells, so its basically a race to the bottom in terms of making money off of it since people need it more for skill and points then they do for actual gold.

The second (This is subject to change) There is no catch up mechanic in the game, so if you start to fall behind in specialization points you are basically SOL.

Third and most annoying is that crafters cant even sell things they made unless its via the crafting order system.
Look if i have the matierals gathered to make something, anything, then i should be able to toss it up onto the AH to sell, not have to sit and bark for someone to put in an order.

This could honestly be easily fixed, Have it so crafters make any item they want/can, and sell it, if its a piece of gear that requires a spark, make it so they can craft it without the spark and its “inherit” and not soul bound, and anyone who has a spark and use a spark to activate it, making it soul bond, and turns it into the actual item it would be.

Its not the crafting system thats bad, its the crafting order system that is causing issues.

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I don’t like doing crafting orders for people, so I don’t.

And I’ve made multiple gold caps.

You don’t have to spam trade to make your profession function.

Crafting order system can be improved as you describe, but it’s not a big deal.

Though you need blue tools to craft high-end 3* mats/5* gear without burning concentration…

Gold buyers will defend this system to their dying breath, they have all the advantages from it.
Everyone else is clamoring about this obvious injustice.

We will see tomorrow who stands where.



Bruh, ever since the WoW Token came into existence, I haven’t spent a single dime on WoW, let alone buy WoW Tokens with $ to exchange for gold.

I’ve been spending gold to get balance/game time all these years, and I only just recently reached a character goldcap (9,999,999g 99s 99c).

The system is fine as is.

Get a job or start a business.
You are lowballing yourself and dragging the game down.


The biggest change would be they should allow a respec of Specializations. If they want that gated with a timer or some other form perhaps. In any case it would make this a lot less painful particularly for those new to the newer DF and DF 2.0 (TWW) crafting system.

Edit/Update: Concentration is something new added to DF 2.0 (TWW) which is another gate-keeper on crafting quality. Not sure we needed yet another as it mostly impacts top-tier (5 star quality) production. Yet another new-crafting resource to manage. Even though I played DF (1.0 new crafting) I’m still learing this additional resource timing and replenishment timer.

It has been bad since they added the quality tiers in BFA, I think that and “concentration” are much bigger issues than the talent trees.