New Crafting System is just TERRIBLE

That unfortunately is the result of the masses trying to be “one cheaper” than the guy above them and driving prices into the dirt in the process. That’s not the case for all things of course, but if you have 1000 people selling the same thing who all decide to undercut the guy above them by 1g, what you end up with is something that sells for 1000g less today than it did yesterday.

Many players seem completely oblivious to the reality that if people are willing to pay 1000g for an item then you don’t need to sell it for 900g. By selling for 900g all you are doing is shorting yourself 100g and ensuring that the next bozo who comes along sells their item for 800g. Before you know it, the 1000g item is selling for 300g because a lot of people aren’t very bright and most are in a race to the bottom when it comes to the value of the items they obtain through their profession.


The market corrects itself.

… if RMT isn’t being pumped in externally.


I fully agree, the new crafting is just horrible. There are way too many other things they could have “fixed” than try and change something that was fun before but now is confusing and and uninteresting.


why not sell something for a million then rage at everyone else who undercuts?

Items at a lower price sell more.

Blizzard does not respect our time, weather is farming mats or our gold we worked hard to get. All to sell tokens…they have a uncanny talent to take what was fun and delete the fun


profs are fun, you can make gold caps.

Easier than before.

No its not, it’s way over engineered, for what it is. Without a alt army and start up gold its dogchit for any now player. True bots are getting very rich.


you don’t need an alt army.

No you can BUY what is required from the other profession at inflated prices. Again its not fun that was the point


I think I’m at 2 gold caps made since xpac launch. It’s fine.

Inflation is good. It means more gold is flowing around.

You know why, many find it unfun, tedious for what time they have to play and/or overpriced to lvl. Thanks

Biden is that you? JK-


Profs have been overpriced to level since inception really.

And people ignored professions largely to the point of Blizzard adding combat perks to incentivize people to do them.

Then they realized forcing people into profs is a bad idea so they removed them.

Like when were profs cheap?

BFA maybe, but there’s only 3 profs that are worth anything there.

Or two really once the next tier was out.

This xpack is excessive in amounts of mats needed. Point again its not fun. In SL blizzard said we hear you, consumables are to high and take to much to make. So they turned it up to 11.


Thaumaturgy exists.

Cheap mat → expensive mat. (Does not apply to R3s.)

No its bad you can stop white knighting. I need 100 dust for 1 enchant and its not rank 1s so thats way way way way to much mats for 1 bloody enchant


So ill need Alchemy to do Tailoring or say Jewelcrafting + mats to run though Thaumaturgy. So a alt army is needed. thanks again


Ya I am just going to ignore. No one want to do that farming when they have unlimited time.


That’s why the auction house exists.

It’s like people complain about something being “hard to get” while not realizing the AH can solve their issues.

Prof interdependency isn’t a bad thing.

Enchanting by default gathers by running dungeons.

So you just made the point up top that it takes to much stuff that i got to go to the AH and spend 100s of thousands of gold buy a token just to play the game at somewhat a high lvl.

Some new players are not going to stick around for something like this they will say screw it and go pick up a control and have fun. Its terrible the way they got crafting.


ten keys needed

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