New community council has Story/Lore section

He has a wierd campaign of shaming female ERP’ers and he’s carried that toxicity to Final Fantasy…I feel like he and his followers probably shame irl sex workers.

Him and is followers are so threatened by women just enjoying ERP.

Half if his streams now are specifically targeting forms of discord or ingame ERP or Twitch “hottub meta” and yet he gives these women views and clicks. That’s what he’s de-evolved to without WoW.

Straight up misogyny.

He exudes toxic masculinity constantly, and has often made jokes about how there are no women on the internet, or who play the game.

If someone were to say that he represents the community, I think they would be right.


The one WoW dev calling him a a-hole, seems to be well justified :wolf:


That’s a lie there are plenty of women in games and in the gamer sphere.

I speak from experience when I say they are generally not attracted to middle aged, beady eye’d rat looking men, with bad cases of idle eyebrow, who stream from thier TLC Hoarder’s episode of a room, in thier’s mom’s attic…

He’s kind if a niche.

I’ve been playing this game since 2006 and while I heard his name as far back as WoLK, I didn’t actually know who he was until 2019 that’s how niche this man is. To say that he represents the whole WoW community is a huge stretch of the imagination.


I saw Cursewords in one his forum harassment videos. I’m sort of worried about making it on there someday and facing the wrath of his troglodyte minions.


Didn’t apply :frowning:


You don’t have to be a fan of his for him to represent you. Many are just as toxic as he is.

I feel like Cursewords being targeted by Asmongold is a flex in itself.

Well, done Cursewords.


He didn’t target him, per say. Asmongold just saw his opinion and McConnell said “He doesn’t like you,” or something. He targeted Carhagen-Moon Guard, though because his criticism was more scathing.

One thing I do want to point out is the overlap being the gameoshpere and the Manosphere. Male gamers think they are the same thing and they actually only slightly overlap.

It’s wierd to me that maels gamers treat niche manosphere things as respresentative if the whole gaming community, and now that I’m airing this gripe it’s a little exclusionary.

One of my pet peeves in this forum is alluding WoW to things like Warhammer because Warhammer is a male niche. Star Wars is becoming more inclusive to female fans but you’ll never hear conversations about WoW allegories that allude to female niche fiction, and there are a lot of examples of fantasy fiction for women with the same themes.

How many times do I have to hear the “Sylvanas is just like Darth Vader” allegory… yeah but she’s also like every other female fantasy villian ever.

Asmongold is your typical dude who never grew the hell up. He’s a petulant man child.


Asmongold: “Here’s a female Kul Tiran. Don’t see a lot of those. I think that’s too close to reality for a lot of these people.”

That hurt, dude.

Did he really fat shame Kul Tirans?

I wouldn’t be surprised tbh.

Yes, in one of his Moon Guard ERP videos.

But the playable Kul’tiran women are beautiful. Damn dude needs glasses and to pull his head out of his nether region :wolf:


I saw the video where he interviewed an ERP’er and one of his top commenters said “she sounds fat”

And he highlighted that comment.

We have to worry about our voice sounding fat now?

It’s kind of embarassing to admit that I know so much about him. Was never a fan. Just saw his stuff recommended, and cringed each time.

It’s like watching a train wreck at this point.


Do you have a link for this? I wanna watch the video.

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Here’s the one I was talking about.

I don’t want to link any more of his trash.

However, I realize the videos weren’t made by him, but he still did it on stream.

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