New community council has Story/Lore section

That’s true.


Anyone who signed up got any news if they got in?

Nope. I saw the tweets that Asmon allegedly said he was told no, but didn’t show what the response looked like

He posted a video about it. Might have to watch it

His application was a troll.


Nah he posted the video of his doing the app and what he put on it, there’s no video up of the response

plus he said it was a ticket? I don’t think the response will be as a ticket


My brother says he got in for pet battles, transmog, collections etc.

Can we have a screenshot of what the response looks like?

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I’ll try and ask him, but he isn’t one of the screenshot sharing types. He could just be pulling my leg though, since he knew that I signed up but I didn’t know that he did. He likes to troll me for reasons.

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yeah press x to doubt, given the sheer volume


I think it’ll be awhile before anyone is selected to join the council. Probably won’t be until around next year.

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They didn’t give any time frame for when the Council program would start, did they?


Nope, it’s a mystery.

  • Don’t know how long the app is open
  • Don’t know when they’ll begin/end selection
  • Don’t know when the Council will be convoked
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I guess we will have to look for white smoke from Blizz HQ.


I don’t want Asmongold anywhere near the Council.


No word here.


I watched his video, the title was clickbait he applied but whined about the whole thing for 20+ minutes, rehashed the fight he had with a dev. I don’t think he got a response yet. I don’t think anyone has. It might be months before we get new news of this council, or it might never be a thing.


I wouldnt mind if there were some streamers there. I just dislike a couple who are mentioned often.

I think that Hazelnutty lady should be in the council, if she wants. She is very knowledgeable, and she is pretty hip to stuff. I think she is well informed and has a great sense of humor, without being toxic. Her boss guides are concise.

If she was a member, I would think that was wise.

But on the other hand…

I agree.

I draw the line at Streamers who actively encourage harassment of other players. Streamers who want to bully people for enjoying the game.

I dont even RP or play on RP realms. But when I heard how he was inciting his acolytes to ruin people’s RP for their amusement, I was disgusted. And the spitting on people who buy store mounts… leading a campaign of acolytes to harass players for enjoying Warcraft.

How could Blizzard consider such a person? Someone who actively encourages harassment towards other players because they enjoy aspects of the game he might not.

I hope they keep his actions towards the community in mind.


Off the top of my head:

  1. He has called for LFR to be removed from the game, simply due to his desire to gatekeep.

  2. He made a tier list for female WoW characters based on looks alone.

  3. He inflamed the Roux controversy with his video.

  1. He has made fun of forum posters on stream.

  2. He thinks there’s nothing wrong with calling people “retarded.”

  3. He coined the phrase “turning women into fruit.”

It isn’t Festivus yet, but I felt the need to air my grievances.


I was actually hoping Hazelnutty makes the Council.