New community council has Story/Lore section

It was Pebrock, I think. Right-wing aussie who got mad about Chromie being trans. One of the grossest people on the Story Forums. He ragequit the discord because of it.


I like knowing that after 2.5 yrs, they still can’t get over me, ren and others. It’s kind of sad, but amusing too you know?

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Something similar is happening over twitter here in Australia. Where various “news reporters” (and I use the term loosely) are getting butthurt that someone called PRGuy is defending Daniel Andrews (The Premier of Victora). They have PRGuy living in their heads rent free so much that they spread a conspiracy theory that he is working for Daniel Andrews. And that is the only reason why they are pro Daniel Andrews. They believe this so much that they want the High Court to tell Twitter to give up the personal details of the account holder so they can sue them for defamation and election tampering. So basically they have no evidence of their claim, but they want to Dox the guy so they can “have” evidence to support their conspiracy. Oh and the main person behind this is a convicted wife basher. He bashed his wife with a chopping board and that is one of the main reasons why he is going after PRGuy. Since PRGuy likes to reference that.

PRGuy took a week off twitter and they went nuts. Now claiming that he was a Russian bot.

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Now that I’m armed with this new information though? It’ll definitely make things more…interesting

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Is the 2D guy Tweedee? Is he the one that coordinates these mass reports? Lol.
How mad do you have to be to coordinate dozens of people to get someone banned?

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Yeah, he’s Tewdee/Melirius, also known as Dave of Canada.

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Its always the Canadians isn’t it?

Anyway, its funny to see them try so hard and still fail. Oh well. :kissing_heart:
Although now that I think about it, Baal keeps getting in trouble with the mods, maybe he is the new target for these wonderful individuals.

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The one I remember from back in the day was a Gnome DK. I thought he came back when I saw that Monk posting.

I am used to all manner of slanderous insults being hurled at me on these forums. And I can take things to 11 quite quickly sometimes when I am attacked - so I can see why some folks might be bitter about me.

But I was a little surprised reading such comments about you, especially the “c” word. Because I mean this in the best way… but I always found you rather… innocuous. You don’t seem to be insulting or trolling. Sort of lighthearted yet sincere. Even if you change your mind, it is how you feel.

We discussed it before, how we are on different sides of many arguments but get along. I generally stay polite unless I am attacked, and I don’t think you ever went crazy on me with rude insults.

I can only figure that these people who are hating on you musta been rude first and picked fights with you.

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Actually that might be the one I am remembering of too.

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When I post stuff, it is sincere. I’m a very laid back kind of person, until someone angers me. If I suddenly go off someone, it’s because they deserve every ounce of it.

I don’t go looking for fight, but never mistake me for a weak person. I will not back down if someone wishes to engage with pettiness. I can do petty all day :smiley:

And besides, I been called far worse behind my back. And I know me and you often disagree about the lore, but there’s a respect there too. And I do value your opinion, believe it or not


I was going to edit the above post, but I’m lazy. But anyway, it’s also that I’ve told every single person in that discord at one point or another that they’re irrelevant and I do not think about them. I didn’t even know I had my own personal hate squad until doness bought it up, that’s how irrelevant these people are to me.

Hope that helps put things in perspective :smiley:

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Oh no, Baal is silenced until the 17th.

One of my favorite Story Forum posters. Can’t tell which is my favorite. Love most of y’all.


Oh, Baal. Occupational hazard, I suppose. My condolences.

Kidding aside - being a sensible poster with facts makes enemies of the Moderators as well as Trolls from other platforms, such as Twitter and Discord.

I don’t have Twitter, but if I did, I don’t know if I would merge it with the WoW Forums. It is almost like cross pollinating enemies. Discord is more involved with WoW, so I use that for Voice Chat during Raids… but little else.

I don’t know Baal beyond these forums. Him aside - I do know there is evidence in this very thread of various Discords and Twitters coordinating campaigns to silence people they disagree with.

I don’t say there are good people on all sides- I get the feeling there are purely bad actors who care little about the WoW franchise who are part of this political reporting - but there is definitely punishment and pain on all sides.


So I can’t call someone a liar or it’s harassment/trolling, but I can accuse someone of doxxing me with zero evidence and they get in trouble if they try to defend themselves.

Good to know I guess.


It does make it mad that forum moderators frequently ignore requests by players to explain why the content they posted was against the CoC. Instead repeating the same BS that is, “we still agree that we did the right thing, deal with it”. It just screams cowardice. Even more so when you supply evidence that showcases what you said is NOT against the CoC. However, they are too gutless to admit fault that they either pretend that you still broke the CoC or that you did not break the CoC but make up a lie that you did. The latter happened to me the first time I got suspended for making a joke about Zovaal and his need to have extreme close ups on his chest.

Someone accused me of harassment over multiple threads even when it wasn’t true and they got off scott free. Meanwhile I make jokes about one of Zovaals body parts and I get two 3 day suspensions (even though nearly everyone on the GD forums does it and I feel like they don’t get punished for it). One of which they agreed that suspension was too far of a punishment but they then lied to cover their asses. Saying the post in question was discussing forum actions (it wasn’t). It is just pathetic.

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Pretty sure I’ve done this a lot now. Was this the cited reason?
I don’t post here that often, so I guess I don’t really have a sizeable hater list though :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes. Both posts that got reported that led to the suspensions were completely fine. Other than those jokes.

That’s really funny. If Blizzard didn’t want us to joke about Zovaal’s nipples, maybe they shouldn’t have made them his most prominent feature :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If he gets bored until then and wants to engage in the forums, he can read my Story Forum Universe series. Maybe perhaps make a review of it on Twitter.

They claim that it is referencing human anatomy. But Zovaal is not a human, therefore I was not talking about human anatomy. Based on blizzards logic here, every mammal is a human.

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