New community council has Story/Lore section

Lol yeah. I remember that. Good times.


I remember her acting confused when we told her normal people don’t have violent thoughts over a t-shirt :smiley:


Ah Internet, what happy, well adjusted, and stable people populate you.


Oh, and btw the Curse? Don’t know about you, but I LOVE that I’m living rent free in their heads. It’s glorious and since I’m feeling petty now, I should switch to horde full time and really set their blood boiling :popcorn:

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Nahhhhhh, I think blue is more your color. :blue_heart:


They had Shredow in there. He was a gross GD undead poster who occasionally came here. He unsubbed due to Blizzard’s “woke censorship.” Good riddance

Well thanks, even though I actually despise the alliance overall :smiley:

Might switch back to my Wuggen though :smiley:

The SF discord is just a bunch of SF rejects who couldn’t make here. So they started their own echo chamber. They’re irrelevant


This seems a thing to do. You are my favoritest of all Doggos.

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And you is a good NE fan. Even though we disagree more than agree :heart:

And that’s A-ok. Because we can debate stuff like real civil adults. Who’da thunk, right?


Tbf, I’m not any of those things myself.

It’s amazing. And one can even regret the toxic stuff they said during BfA and try to do better. But some people think that’s being inconsistent.

Boggles the mind :smiley:

For sure. I know it deeply confuses some people one can be a Kaldorei fan and not a raging pit of cynical doom saying drama.



Blizzard is the issue. The community is not inclusive, and their moderation sucks.


Honestly i’m surprised i’m not mentioned that often in the Story forums discord. Only had like 2 indirect mentions (using character name but not my discord name) and one of them was someone defending me against Thadeus in relation to his abortion thread.

But I’m sure there are some hidden about referring to me via some kind of code.

Truthfully? I honestly love that I’m that hated enough to be living rent free in peoples heads. It’s oddly satisfying knowing I can drive people that crazy without trying to :smiley:

it is kinda funny seeing some people who were complaining about you and knowing who they were. Like Valko. 'Member Valko? :stuck_out_tongue:

But the Valko I remember was a gnome warlock. There is a new one that is a Draenei Monk. Not sure if they are the same person while either one being the same person using that name in the story forums discord.

I can remember when some story forums wannabes left and went over to MMO-Champion’s story forums and cried over there.

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Probably the same person. But I remember Valko, they were very definition of toxicity on here. They loathed me if I remembered correctly.

People on here on tend to dislike me because they try to pick a fight and than act suprised when they get one with me. I think the SF discord hate me because they’re soo irrelevant to anything I say or do that it drives them nuts that I literally do not care about them or their opinions one bit :smiley:

One thing I’ve noticed is that usually the people who try and start a fight are the ones who want to end it. Simply because they didn’t get their way.

When that happens or is about to happen I just link them the argument sketch from Monty Python. Because that is what they get reduced to.

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