They said that what I did was sociopathic and I agreed with them then apologized for it, so they took that and twisted it into making it an admission to being a sociopath which I’m not. I’m an empath and I care deeply about people, I’ve been speaking out against them because they’re the real sociopaths and brought a lot of toxicity to these forums when they posted here. They revel in spite and gossip, and if you go against them they’ll make up some false reason for why that is. They won’t ever take responsibility for anything, they’ll dodge or make up excuses.
I’m sorry you had to deal with that. You’re not a sociopath. You are one of the best people on the WoW Forums, and I always look forward to seeing your posts. You’ve even tried to help me build confidence, which I appreiciate very much.
I can only imagine the amusing things they say about me.
Oh, they’ve said quite a bit.
I’m sure. It’s funny to me that I live rent free in their heads
I’m sure I can get one of my agents to find what they’ve said about you.
Be nice, I’m morbidly curious
I actually saw what they said about me when I was added to their discord, they didn’t know it was me, so I had to sit and watch them all troll me before I left.
When I first joined this forum, I was naive. This is the most toxic community I’ve ever seen, and it’s not just because this is a video game forum. The toxicity here is way beyond “normal”
I’m in the discord. I was made fun of before I joined, but not by name. What they said about you was that you were a weak person who changed sides constantly, but the only consistent thing about you was that you were a Worgen/Gilneas fan. They said that Cursewords was like Erevien if he took a gender studies class. They made fun of Renautus and said that she was on record for supporting the idea of preemptive genocide, during the Theresa thread.
Oh they swung the other way? The last time I was in there years back there was an outright neo-n using Blood Elves to spout white supremacy talking points against the “ugly savage” races and getting everyone together for some good ol’ Holocaust/anti-semitic jokes peppered with outright Holocaust denial.
There was also a 16 year old autistic boy that asked them to stop using the r word and Valko @ pinged them the word over and over again.
They’re major hypocrites and I don’t think a lot of them actually have legitimate political views. They’ll go on the extreme side of whatever’s popular so that they have plausible deniability when they troll people.
I was going to mention the prevalence of ableist slurs in there, but Anelaan beat me to it.
Oh I just remembered, Kyalin “I beat up Horde at the grocery store” Raintree called you a fascist there
So they consider me a more educated version of their favorite Blood Elf?
I have been called worse by better.
The discussion about Micah was pretty rough, I hope Micah keeps it in perspective and isn’t too hurt.
I’m surprised they didn’t make fun of me spamming the lounge with how I felt bad.
As comical as it is, and thanks doness and evelysaa. But, how is it inconsistent to regret things I said? Like, that’s considered a bad thing suddenly?
Sarm posts here often. Could at least grow a spine and say it to me here.
Skarm and Sarm are two different people.
Hurt by a bunch of clowns? Nah, I always knew the SF discord was a toxic cesspool.
Oh, right, got them mixed up