New community council has Story/Lore section

I see nothing wrong with that. Unless they were like, deeply personal revelations about real life, like an address or phone number or a fact, like that their brother was secretly adopted, or something.

If it was just about WoW… no big deal.

Again, I see nothing wrong. It is against the WoW Forum rules to call out names, but not Twitter or Discord, which I presume is where this drama is rooted.

To be fair, I don’t think this discussion is about some little known person minding their own business.

It is about a person who wanted to stand out and be recognized enough to be part of the Council. And a person Blizzard chose to represent the player base. That does not make them immune from criticism or accountability. In fact, it makes criticism and accountability more important.

They not only have a spotlight, but a magnifying glass over them.


Seems Maizou is now just adding us to the ignore list.


This stuff is why I believe the Council will be done away with. It is starting to look like politics and eventually the heads at Blizzard will decide that they have had enough of the headache.


Well that Maizou person said they blocked this thread. So maybe they haven’t been seeing this stuff.

I thought about entering the recent Community Council thread in GD, where this Council Member spouted all sorts of lies… but I was like… eh. Let them spin their yarns.

I’m not trying to have a petty argument across Forum Sections, much less Twitter and Discord.

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In this day and age you don’t need someone’s tax form to dox them. And it can be doxxing the game. I have been the subject of such behaviors before where ingame they message you, follow you and yeah funnily enough camp you. Which is why Warmode being implemented means people can skip that problem.

If it was just conversation between people sure. No problem. I have had the storyforums discord report bomb me before. If stays in house it doesn’t really matter much. Its just between players and the forum moderators.
Just so you know when content creators like T&E whom I disagree with pretty much everything still have the decency to not include player names when they go on their “It was Sht show obviously” segment.

Its about not punching down but punching up. And Baal was definitely punching down even though his fist is much more smaller than T&E.

But it is, these are just players like you and I. They aren’t elected representatives, they just loved the game and thought they could do service by giving feedback on what is important to THEM. Thats what the council is there for.
If every council member is now open to be harassed by drama chasers like Baal why would they ever apply?

Once again the council members are not supposed to be our representatives. They are their own representatives. Show me the documentation that makes it so.
I didn’t vote for them. Did you? They are not accountable to us.

They do have a spotlight but not a magnifying glass besides someone like Baal who likes to find drama to fuel is influencer ambitions as Twitter Social activist.

Exactly. What little voice we did have will be cannibalized by the community itself and we are back to “Wow why is Blizzard so out of touch with their playerbase”
Gee. I wonder.

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I’m surprised I didn’t get banned for linking Maizou’s posts.

Honestly, I don’t think either side of this conflict involving pinko is clean here. He said some questionable things and had the chance to clear them up, and instead blew up and screamed at everyone. Then Baal immediately brought attention to it on Twitter for what seems to be malicious purposes. There are several steps where this could’ve de-escalated, but instead of just letting this situation go Maizou is creating lies and increasing his victim hood when he doesn’t need to, there’s already enough there to be sympathetic about. Let’s be real, he likes the drama as much as some of the people here do.

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Oh most definitely.
I did tell them to just let it go and ignore them but… they just had to feed the fire.
But at least he is keeping it on the forums.

Bad forum behavior and etiquette is just par for the course.

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Baal’s forum post telling Maizou that nobody threatened to doxx them was deleted. Hope you aren’t banned!

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When I joined the Story Forum Discord, I typed your name in the search bar, and found them making fun of you a lot. Same with Cursewords, Evelysaa, Renautus, etc. It can get pretty toxic.


Doesn’t surprise me they must have found a new target, I don’t get those mass reports anymore.

Oh yeah? I am flattered.

I assure you, I never think of them or discuss them when I am not typing here on these forums.

But if I am the best thing they have to occupy their time, I am happy to be of service.


Yeah they still call me a psychopath for admitting that what I did was vengeful, despite them accepting people like Ayrenn there.

When your name gets typed in there it’s about 20 posts from Pyrogar obsessing about you.

Oh? I joined to check it out a long time ago, but I am not much on Discord. The little I saw, it seemed like a place where unsubbed and suspended people went to diss the active Forum posters. And I left.

Just didn’t seem for me. I only use Discord when a raid group makes it mandatory.

But if I am mentioned, let me wave to the peanut gallery.


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I see both sides if the arguement but I’m with Evelysa on this. If the concern is about underage players engaging in ERP that’s honestly not the fault if the community. It’s up to the child’s parent to monitor what they are doing online.

I think two consenting adults can RP whatever they want including kinks, as long as it’s not abusive or harassment. Blizzard already has reporting systems in place. I think all this can be solved with stronger moderation and harsher penalties for offenders. There should be more support and protection for ERP’ers not less. There should be a way to report harassment where it’s taken seriously.

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Yeah pretty much. That along with praising things that adhere to their far left views. Someone condoned 9/11 because they don’t think nations should have militaries and praised soldiers fragging their own officers, which is totally fine to them, but you can’t tell someone that religious people aren’t bigots just because they don’t think that polygamy should be made legal.

Yeah, it seems people like Tewdee and Sarm watch this forum like hawks, and report what happens here.


I hope they like the entertainment.


Yeah, they’ll report what I said here, then they’ll be like, “Wow that psychopath is still talking about us!” Someone will ask who, “It’s Elesana the Blood Elf harasser that sent us gore!” Then it’ll be like, “Gee why would anyone dislike us, we just talk about Final Fantasy while hating capitalism :slight_smile: Anyway she just hates gay rights”

They claimed you were a self-admitted sociopath, and I don’t know Ayrenn or what she’s done. A lot of people spell your name wrong, so I had to do multiple searches.