New community council has Story/Lore section

Now I’m going to shut down my silk weave factory and move it to it to the Eastern Kingdoms.

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I can’t believe I missed the opportunity to participate in this.

I have read every book they have ever made. I have played this game for more than a decade. All of the warcraft games in their entirety. I’m literally Metzen’s biggest fan. I read all the lore in the RPG books. I READ THE QUEST FLAVOR TEXT!

I hope they open this back up. Also is this basically confirmation the dev’s don’t even read the story forum??? What the heck blizzard!


They don’t even read their own lore.


The Night elves have cultural distinctions with Korea, Norse/Celt, and Greece just s much if not more so than Japanese.


Granted, I’m not super knowledgeable on intricacies of east Asian cultures, but like I said, Nelfs are hardly a stereotype of them, imo.

And yeah, Celtic themes are more prominent to me.

Because stereotypes aren’t the basis of all world building?

Eg Zandalar city of gold motif is an actual IRL Andean myth of El Dorado aka Cibola aka etc, one that I was myself told growing up

Eg the architecture using particularly Nahua and Maya styled temples is not a stereotype, it’s an actual architectural style

Eg the rings used by the priestess boss in Atal Dazar isn’t a stereotype, it’s a cultural thing used by the Ndebele peoples

Night Elves using Tori Gates for the moonwells isn’t a stereotype, it’s an adaptation of cultural signification for in-game purposes

Which is why it’s nonsense whenever people say “All the WoW races are based on stereotypes not culture” because that’s materially false and incoherent

Some races are more limited in their basis (eg Trolls being specifically Haiti, Jamaica, Nahua, Inca, Maya, Xhosa, Congo, etc)

Others are just small references from various spaces smashed together (eg Korean Japanese Wiccan Celtic Byzantine Hindu Night Elves)


Oh hey, welcome back Baal.


Oh been back for two days nobody was being messy tho lmao


I haven’t found anything questionable from the recent arrivals. Also, I roasted that racist french worgen.


Well I was referring to their cultural inspiration more so than a stereotype, besides, I’m not really sure what western stereotypes of traditional Japan are.

I guess night elves are more a stereotype of feminists aka highly emotional, reactive rather than proactive, crazy until pacified etc with heavy negative connotations. They used to have that isolationist streak, but that did vanish after the Third War for the most part, much like post WW2-Japan.


Well, my post calling out an anti-arab racist got flagged. I hate this place. Hopefully, it’s only for 24 hours.


Samurai and geishas :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

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? Which post

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Those aren’t stereotypes, those are materially existing things in the culture

What is a stereotype is if say, the Burning Blade Clan’s Samuro had been designed with a unique face copying the Edo period artistic depictions of Samurai and other warriors, which is the basis of Western Yellow Face trope such as Mickey Rooneys facial prosthetics and makeup in Breakfast At Tiffany’s to depict a Caricature of a Japanese Man.

Man y’all really need some classes on this stuff


Y’all need to stop trying to choke me with this demagoguery, lol

words mean things!


It’s not really demagoguery to say “is a samurai” isn’t “Japanese stereotype”. I think you confused the word stereotype with trope. Samurai and geisya (and ninja, how did you forget ninja??) are tropes in fantasy stories featuring Japanese culture. They’re only stereotypes in how those tropes are used.


I got out of it unscathed. Just mod removed me calling him out, and exposing his post history. I gotta be meek.


my desperate plea must have worked.


The Council member still claims to be the victim of a smear campaign using out of context tweets. Think we might need to let this one go, or move on to the next issue.