New community council has Story/Lore section

The thread is flagged now, lol.

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when they notice they can get away with getting someone a vacation for criticizing them of course they are gonna try and take it to the next level. getting the entire thread wiped would be very convenient. suppose the move is to just archive screen caps of the thread.


I always love it when someone asks “what part of the CoC did I violate?” and blizzard is like, “idk, but you still suspended cause reasons”.

Bloody cowards who can’t even answer a simple question.


I don’t have a wow twitter or I refuse to get involved bcz my twitter is a personal one I use for other media lol, but I had an issue where someone on purpose trying to have a gotcha used my full name to speak to me which was very annoying and uncool, it went on actually several more times but that’s neither here nor there, a friend who did have a wow twitter tweeted blizzard CS and it poofed into the void faster than anything.

Anyways that’s the vibe I got is alerting them / bad publicity on twitter gets that moving faster than other things.


Did a bunch of posts get removed? I thought there were 900 posts in this thread, unless it’s a different one I’m thinking of.

Yeah posts got removed.

For example I went to post 475 on the scroller and the link to the post has it as post 485 or something like that.

This one is post #715 yet it is 708 on the scroller

Although who knows. Maybe those 7 removed posts were deleted Doness posts :stuck_out_tongue:


I have no idea what it was about.

Most likely answer? Said person didnt actually break any of the CoC and blizz simply wants them to go away for a while for daring to criticize them.

Only thing that explains why they refuse to answer why someone is or was banned/silenced


Post restored! Also, I miss you, already, Baal.


Now is a good time for something funny.

So a lot of my posts are done on my phone, and my phone’s autocorrect is both aggressive and weird. It is quite a lot like me in that regard. Nearly everyone’s name has an autocorrect-version. Baal’s got two. What are they?

Ball Samuel is the first. Ok, pretty obvious.

Bald Salami is the other one.


Now the question is….what does a bald salami look like? :eyes:




Doness actually tries to autocorrect to Domes.

I told you, it’s weird.


I wonder what mine is.

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You are Demonic.

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Not that person so I can’t speak for them. But here’s my two cents on the subject:

I’m not going to knock anyone who sees their race being represented in WoW through the obvious cultural references and that makes it special for them, then by all means. I’m not going to say that they’re wrong for that. I think I kinda fall into that category. Zandalari aren’t really my favorite race but I probably like them more than I normally would because of the obvious Aztec influence. It’s always cool to see Aztec, and Nahuatl culture.

However, I see some problems with it in certain races. With Night elves, if you’re Korean, do you identify with them because they have Korean motifs? Or not at all because they’re also kinda Grecian? Also my earlier example with the Zandalar. I have no central African ancestry, so I don’t identify with the (poorly) coded African parts of the Zandalari, but I do find the Aztec parts cool. So are Zandalar Nahuas? African? Both? Neither? The answer will depend on you ask. With some races it’s more clear cut than others. Darkspear being an obvious example. Then you get really lost with Gnomes.

I think Blizzard needs to do a better job researching the cultures that they want to base races on. I think they need to do more research and more worldbuilding, but that’s really asking too much from them I think. Most of the races are pastiches of different cultures, and bits and pieces of ideas but nothing really concrete. So my personal opinion is that it’s fine to see your race in a WoW race and appreciate that race because of that but it’s not worth getting riled up over something so shallowly done. Not saying that people shouldn’t push for changes that they’d like to see, just that I’m not super concerned that Zandalar only basically has an outer shell of Aztec influence but when you break it open there’s nothing inside.

Also mini-rant: They screwed up Zandalar big time. They could’ve based them on the Mali, and/or the Nubians. But they went with Wakanda. That’s what I’m talking about. And Stormwind? Just America with castles.


What is wrong with Wakanda?

I don’t think this shallowness issue is just Blizzard, I have been reading up on some of the news coming out of the new LOTR show coming out and its honestly so shallow and badly done but the people defending it don’t want to hear any criticism and people are getting riled up on both sides.

Like adding black elves or black dwarves. Each in the original story everybody was white, since this is an adaptation its perfectly understandable you want to add diversity to it but for god’s sake respect the source material. And if you are going to add your diverse cast that deviates from the source material then do the world building for it.

How? Make the black dwarves a specific clan. Or a condition of digging too deep. Give them all beards, even the women.
For the black elves make them a specific house maybe retcon a little with the Valar or something giving them a blessing. Heck maybe have fun with it and color the black elves even more dark… like obsidian. Give them that unearthly look that Elves are supposed to have. And give them long hair damn it!

This is what bothers me when it comes to things like this especially in TV… if you are going to do it then do it right. Make it work within the lore. Make it richer and expand it while still operating within its rules. Like why is the minimum effort being celebrated? Sorry, went off on a rant there.

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Well the Zandalari were one of the OG non titan or old god related sentient races on Azeroth. And are the ancestral link to 5 playable races (Night Elves, Blood Elves, Nightborne, Void Elves, Darkspear Trolls) as all troll tribes descended from the Zandalari.

So why not blend a fictional nation from Africa with ancient central American cultures (as all troll tribes until BFA were based of these different cultures) :stuck_out_tongue:. RL Humans can trace their ancestral linage to Africa after all. Thanks to the mighty mitochondria.

Stormwind was always an Americanised view of Medieval Europe.