New community council has Story/Lore section

Please, provide screenshots of this claim.

I try to avoid the Community Council section, because I canā€™t participate anyway, and I figure the stand out statements will trickle down to GD and the Story Forum.

Looks like the Community Council is trickling its share of drama- multiple discord dramas, GD folks coming to the Story Forum to discuss the Councilā€¦


It is nice to see us all come together - even if it is only to tear each other apart.

I am not taking sides in this Discord debateā€¦ I just find humor in the mess Blizzard is making with this council, and who they put on it.


I couldnā€™t help myself, just hearing about the hot takes wasnā€™t enough, I had to see them for myself.


Yeah that makes sense, I didnā€™t know Maizou had takes that didnā€™t stand in solidarity with other minorities tbh, I just heard they got the council spot and given their anti Blood Elf postings I was like ugh and decided if I could find a thread that talked about new community members, hence I found this one.

To be clear what I found out is way worse than what I was originally annoyed about.

But to not distract from what was spoke about, the discord stuff aside it still doesnā€™t explain their postings on these forums and comments on that problematic wow book etc


Oh, Iā€™ve lurked here for years. I just donā€™t post. But I donā€™t know what it isā€¦ past couple of days, people have seen to try to slander our community and one of my friends. Couldnā€™t help but jump in to defendā€” especially when it comes to calling our little family homophobic, seeing as how half of us are LGBTQ+ and are extremely open and safe for everyone who is tolerant.

Iā€™ve got screenshots of the entire conversation that was had in Discord that started this insanity. But I wonā€™t post them. One screenshot was enough. And I donā€™t want to derail any further. Good conversations shouldnā€™t be sidetracked by a CC memberā€™s hostility towards others. Ironicallyā€¦ we havenā€™t had any drama in Discord since. Coincidence? :thinking:

Anywho! slinks out


I have not logging into the game and played in around 24 hours (though intend to remedy that shortly), even though I usually do at least one a day just to do the mission table Skinner box. The Lunar Festival is on. The first day, I collected enough coins to buy a toy or something, then soloed Omen on Skarm here. Have picked up from random elders Iā€™ve run across, but not otherwise engaged in it. Love is in the air is on. Have done the daily dungeon thingie for the infinitesimal chance of getting the Mount Formerly Known as Big Pink Love Rocket, but not otherwise bothered. Darkmoon Faire is on. Have skills maxxed out mostly. Cataclysm Timewalking Dungeon is on. Iā€™ve done them already on my warlock, and a few on some others- main do more, especially on my lowest geared toon. I still havenā€™t finished any covenent campaign besides Revendreth and Ardenwaeld. Hell, I still donā€™t have a character doing the Kryian one- still have one toon who I havenā€™t completed the main questing campaign on! Oh yea, Iā€™ve done some Pet Battles over the past few days too; that how bad itā€™s gotten. I only have a couple of weeks left on my current sub, nd thought that it would make me work harder to complete more as time ran out, but instead the opposite appears to be the case.

Instead, Iā€™ve tried to keep up with this drama here, even though I donā€™t really like drama, just because itā€™s more interesting than anything thatā€™s currently offered in-game; even if itā€™s a trainwreck.


This discussion is continuing in GD now.

Holy carp. I missed this whole post. Thank you for providing the screen shot.

Man, Iā€™mā€™a have to read this whole thread over again to see what else I might have missed that would better inform my opnion on matters.


I do have more of the entire conversation and everything that exactly went down. But I didnā€™t want to derail things further. I just wanted to defend a good group of people from all of this. :purple_heart:


Community council was a mistake.


I try not to dwell in conspiraciesā€¦ but I canā€™t post in that thread anymore for some reason. It gives me some weird error message. I can post here and in other threads in GDā€¦ but not that one. Other folks are posting in there, so it seems to be just me.

Itā€™s like the Mods are saying to me : ā€œyouā€™re sitting out this tango, Jr!ā€

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twitter bad :face_with_monocle:

Baal, if youā€™re reading this, you probably got banned because you called them a weirdo. You canā€™t insult people on the forums, no matter how cathartic or necessary it may be. Of course, the rules arenā€™t enforced evenly.

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If he got in trouble for calling someone accusing him of doxxing a weirdo Iā€™m going to be seriously disappointed in the mods.


Maizou didnā€™t accuse him of that, just someone in the Twitter thread, which I never saw btw.

You forgot the part where only white male humans are allowed to be in any real leadership role in the Alliance.

Reeks of white manā€™s burden.


Toxic person who fans the flames of drama on a forum and trys to get a twitter mob to start brigading users gets forum vacation.

More news at 11.

Andiun burden honestly. He also impacted varian unfortunately.


So being on the Community Council means people who discuss your opinions and previous posts will get Forum Action?

I might have applied if they announced these benefitsā€¦ first the pretty yellow letters, now immunity from criticism.

Baal can be a bit moreā€¦ enthusiastic than I am on the topic. Still, I am not surprised Blizzard doles out punishments for bringing the effects of their choices to light.

They would probably be happy of we just accepted their council choices as our voice, and stopped thinking so much.


I shouldnā€™t have said anythingā€¦

You did the right thing