New community council has Story/Lore section

Saved for posterity.

No clue if this is directed at me, but I personally never mentioned anything about twitter just what I saw about your interactions on discord.


You have literally not been doxxed. Anyone can take a screenshot of what you post on the WoW Forums and show it anywhere they want.


Iā€™m not referring to that? What.

Someone literally claimed to have my socials and links to them. I donā€™t have any, but the threat was still there.

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you need to be a bit more specific lol, nobody knows who youā€™re talking about.

Lets use your example of the Tauren :

A Quest and Story designer might make it so the Tauren lose Mulgore to the Alliance.

The Designer might think it is funny for Alliance Players to corral and gather a bunch of cows. An old west vibe could have been their intention. Maybe the Tauren make a ā€œPath of Weepingā€ as they are moved off of their ancestral lands.

A dramatic story turn, to be sure. If the Tauren are coded as Native Americansā€¦ we are reminded of how they were rounded up and sent to reservations.

Tauren cow people being corralled with a ā€œPath of Weepingā€ would seem like another simple cow joke to someā€¦ but reminiscent to the Trail of Tears for others, because of how the Tauren have taken IRL Native cultures as their basis.


Where? Show us.

And if we would stay in universe then taurenfans would be sad and want revenge, for the Tauren.

Not because crimes against natives of the past
Not because racism while x

But because taurenfans would hate if the tauren would have to endure such a loos.

No nightelf, human, highelf cried racism because culture x

Thereā€™s something wrong if that was your takeaway from the post.

Completely ignoring the blatant homophobia of the entire mod team in there right after you accused me of being racist and misogynistic.

Also, you guys do realize people can have differing opinions on what constitutes racism without being racist, right? Cause reading the thread, it doesnā€™t seem like you guys do. For instance, (using wow races to avoid real world examples) - if one vulpera found being called a fox racist, and another thought it was a compliment, and another thought it was okay, would you be calling any of them racist for having opposing views?

At no point have I ever expressed the belief that racism is okay. At no point have I ever expressed the belief that I view any other person as less than me. At no point have I ever expressed you arenā€™t allowed to be offended by something. I may find it silly but youā€™re still entitled to be offended.

Iā€™ve literally acknowledged using the stereotypes is racist.

They are allowed to apply negative traits to characters as it gives them room to grow.

Also, Zekhan not knowing a single word doesnā€™t make him illiterate. It means he simply doesnā€™t know a word. You seem to forget Warcraft has a LOT of languages. Theyā€™re just in English for us to read. Do you know what the word ā€‹Deliquescent means? If you donā€™t, would you consider yourself illiterate? Because thatā€™s essentially the Zekhan argument.

Itā€™s be a completely different thing if him not knowing words was because of his race. Itā€™s not. Itā€™s simply because heā€™s young and still learning.


That speaks to their design as fox people. Not to their real life basis.

If the Tauren had an emote with a ā€œTomahawk Chopā€ hand movementā€¦ that would be a better example.

Or if racial slurs were used. Like if a Character made fun of Wrathionā€™s turban and called him something people use IRLā€¦ that would be an example.


I actually disagreed with the mods decision right up until you decided to make threats. See my later posts to see I already said this.

You said that you were going to send racists and sexists to the discord tf you want me to think?

You say that and you were expecting my takeaway to be anything else?

Anyways, it was worth sharing. I donā€™t care if it was just a threat you still said it. Even admitting to it.

ā€œIt was just a prank broā€ ainā€™t a valid excuse.

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Hereā€™s another Council member talking about how LGBT representation and inclusivity in general donā€™t matter. LOL.


._. yikes

0/10 vetting job when rando forum goers are better at finding this then people that get paid for it lol.


Not knowing how to read at all does. Which he knew how to do before, according to Shadows Rising. Being illiterate is a retcon. Made by Blizzardā€™s historian who shouldā€™ve known whatā€™s happened in the novels. Itā€™s suspicious.


So far it seems like the council is a gaggle of everything I am against.

They are Anti LGBT, Anti Minority, and even worseā€¦ Pro Master Loot!

(I kid)

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Did you stay in the discord after the mods openly admitted to having a homophobic policy?

Cause thatā€™s just as bad as instituting the policy yourself.

And I may have regretted saying that at the time and I even apologized when I tried to rejoin (but Iā€™m sure they didnā€™t tell you that either, as rhielle deleted my message on the intro channel as soon as I posted it), but honestly considering they went OUT OF THEIR WAY to paint me as the villain, with the evidence you so kindly provided, I canā€™t say I entirely regret it anymore.

Though I am somewhat offended that people think I associate with racist and misogynistic people in general.

Again, if it was because of his race, that would very well be racist. But as it stands, itā€™s just a retcon of something I assume to give character growth later. As far at I remember, him being a troll had nothing to do with the inability to read.

But you have to take into account he grew up during a war. The trolls were literally being fed to the proto drakes in MoP by the orcs. I doubt they had much time to reach their children how to read.

Nope I didnā€™t. It was discord bloat for me anyways.

They didnā€™t canā€™t confirm if most of this is true or not at this point but it sounds like you did most the work for them mate.

Threatening to send racists and sexists was not the move.


And telling me that my rights are not up for discussion and I have to just deal with someone who believes I donā€™t have them is? Again, at the time I regretted it and I apologized.

Also, I very much specified they would be my friends who pretended to have those views. I never threatened to send actual racists or misogynists. I quite literally do not keep people like that in my life.

My last post here, because I genuinely do not like discussions like this. Especially right now. I have not left my bed for 2 months apart from getting up to go to the bathroom. The break from wow was mostly because my depression is murdering me, and comments like this are NOT helping. So Iā€™m leaving the thread for my own mental health. The amount of effort it took to drag myself out of bed to reactivate wow this morning was so exhausting I passed out for like 4 hours.

Also, the fact no one sees a problem with the personal attacks on me going on on Twitter and instead posting them so others can revel in it is disturbing. Yā€™all are quite literally participating in cyber bullying, even if i mostly donā€™t care, it is still bad.

You guys do know weā€™re here to give feedback on the game right? Not on our beliefs.

I may vehemently disagree with that guy who says gay people donā€™t need representation, but thatā€™s not what heā€™s on the council for.

Plus, to point out, I have read this thread. You guys literally want council members to post about things you find important.

Iā€™m an avid forum goer. Baal and donness know that. But instead of capitalizing on that to ask me to post things you want discussed about the story and lore, you instead resort to personally attacking me, incorrectly and offensively calling me a racist and misogynist, and do everything you can to discredit me.

Iā€™m fact, Iā€™m pretty sure Donness can easily dig up the multiple times I mentioned in GD if I end up on the council Iā€™ll be posting community feedback as well as my own.

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I think the overall situation, atleast in regards to his intelligence, is connected to his race because Zekhan mentions erosion being a fancy word that Lorā€™themar taught him, which implies that Trolls donā€™t know what erosion is despite shamans being a major part of Darkspear culture. Whatever the intent is, itā€™s something readers are speculating about because Blizzard has been silent about the controversy. If theyā€™d make official responses regarding the book then weā€™d be able to settle this easier. Communication with the players is something important that Blizzard should do more of. Maybe perhaps itā€™s something youā€™re willing to make a thread about in the community council, to help towards preventing situations such as this from happening.


Blizzard reaps what it sows. Of course there are racist/sexists on the Community Council. It was made by Blizzard.

The ā€˜councilā€™ is a shameless marketing gimmick to drum up positive PR for a company known for an irrational hatred and ignorance of its playerbase. Anyone on it is either a corporate tool or high on copium.

Actions speak louder. Want less talk of racism? Stop making your ethnic representation so they canā€™t read/are easily fooled into being mass murderers/invasive against other peoples/ etc.