New community council has Story/Lore section

Maizou’s take was the majority opinion in that thread. It was me, Tarrok, Yipper, and Kaleaon versus the den of lions.


That is, the score at best for Blizzard will always be a “draw”? How can they “win”?

TBF, it’s not really 0-2 because so far only 2(?) members on the council have had this kind of controversy, compared to the numerous majority of other people on there.

But tomorrow, when I take a shower, I will be able to think on today and say, “Damn, I was there for that”.


Wasn’t anything to do with policies. But weak moderator’s, when you have the desire to remain friendly with everyone since you know most the posters your moderation skills are lacking. This resulted in said arguments, which I actually agree with Maizou on. That agreement stopped when they threatened to funnel racists and sexists into the discord.

It may have been said in a fit of rage, but it’s still pretty damn questionable imo.


It’s just ugly and bad publicity for this new council they created is all. It’s not a good look.

But that’s me

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Yeah I wouldn’t want to be in it myself, but I know people who are good people who always stand up to problematic takes who are in it, so I am more than not willing to believe they wouldn’t have problematic takes but thats just my perception / opinion. All I have to go on is the opposing claim from the new community council member who I now know doesn’t stand up to problematic takes / has some themselves.


I am quite the drama stirrer, but these things need to be talked about.


I doubt Blizzard will remove Maizou, though. The only racism you seem to be actioned for is simply using slurs or insulting a demographic directly, not, for example, “I disagree with dark-skinned elves, because ‘muh lore,’” which is, in fact, racism.


Oh yeah, it’s definitely bad publicity. A difference of opinion on Exploring Kalimdor isn’t so bad, but then (combined with that) there’s a credible claim of sending racists into a discord server for a seemingly nefarious reason. The fuse is lit now. I’m expecting a public response on the same level as Prosident if not bigger. Another hit to Blizzard.


Which ties back into how they don’t stand in solidarity with other communities. Like I can’t wrap my head around having the takes from the posts we’ve seen rn but now to know they apparently socialize with racists etc very sus


Well, this was a wild day on the Story Forum.


want to clarify, it was a threat. tmk I know of no racists that were actually sent, but that might have been because the owner closed the discord for like a month or two.

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I was unhappy knowing they made the council just based on their bad takes about BEs.

This added stuff is even bigger than that I went from being mildly annoyed to wanting blizzard to look into this but who knows if they will.


It’s really going to depend on how much exposure it gets. So far, as near as I can tell, it’s just a forum story. Nothing big on Twitter, FB, Insta, etc. to really push it out there (unless I missed something). And with Prosident, you also had the oddity of a CC forum unofficial discord with open invites. This is just more of the low-key toxicity that Blizzard has allowed for years, with an allegation of discord drama.

Tarrok is the best


They couldn’t even permaban the self-confessed “MAP” from the LGBT megathread, lol.

It showed up on my twitter, for context I only have 1 wow friend mutual I do not engage with wow twitter only real housewives twitter, so totally different algorithm of tweets I see.

So I wonder anyways


Baal has already posted on his Twitter about Maizou’s posts here, people are looking at this thread to see what’s happening.


See, this is the drawback of posting from my phone at work. I miss the good stuff.

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Ah, more out of context posts. My favorite :heart:

For those who want to know the context.

I mentioned something about a gay relationship in something (I don’t remember what, it was likely a TV show)

At which point I was told not to talk about politically charged topics in the discord.

I explained identity is not political. The mods disagreed. So I asked what would they do if someone came in the discord not believing in women’s rights?

“Well, that’s different” Literally what they said. I asked the same thing about someone who had an issue with black people. Same thing “That’s different”

No. It really isn’t. And they double and tripled down on the “No talking about anything gay because it might offend someone” rule. When the rule should have been “We don’t allow homophobes who don’t believe gay people deserve rights”

So I informed them Ill let them decide what to do when I have friends come in the and pretend to have those beliefs before leaving. (No, I didn’t actually send anyone there because honestly I don’t care enough.)

And I had quite a few people from said discord message me saying they didn’t agree with the mods and were sad I was gone. (one of them just told me about rawrs post and that I should tell people what happened which is why I’m back to post this)

Also, I very much enjoy the threat of doxxing. That said, I literally don’t have Twitter. What are you talking about? I made a throwaway account once upon a time for a day and that’s about it. I quite literally only have a Facebook. Yet supposedly you have my links? What links?

That said, I’m reporting the doxx threat. Even if it was fake as there’s nothing to doxx.